Shrove Tuesday 2 page fact sheet, PowerPoint, vocab & ComprehensionQuick View

Shrove Tuesday 2 page fact sheet, PowerPoint, vocab & Comprehension

<p>Bumper pack for Shrove Tuesday including:</p> <ul> <li>Beautiful display PowerPoint for use in class (or assembly)</li> <li>2 page fact sheet including religious meaning and fun activities</li> <li>Comprehension sheet</li> <li>Vocabulary sheet</li> </ul> <p>Everything you need to teach about Shrove Tuesday before lent begins.</p> <p>#ShroveTuesday #lent #pancakes</p>
Lent - PowerPoint, information sheet & ComprehensionQuick View

Lent - PowerPoint, information sheet & Comprehension

<p>Everything you need to teacher about Lent, including</p> <ul> <li>Beautifully presented multi-page PowerPoint</li> <li>2 page Information sheet on PDF</li> <li>Comprehension questions</li> </ul> <p>Ideal for CLASS or ASSEMBLY.<br /> Suitable for KS2, but can be easily adapted for KS1 or KS3.</p> <p>#Lent # Easter # AshWednesday #Shrove Tuesday</p>
Easter Story - PowerPointQuick View

Easter Story - PowerPoint

<p>Easter PowerPoint including the events of:</p> <ul> <li>The last supper</li> <li>Garden of Gethsemane</li> <li>Jesus’ betrayal and arrest</li> <li>Good Friday</li> <li>Easter Sunday</li> </ul> <p>Ideal for class teaching or assembly.</p> <p>See my additional resource which includes PowerPoint, Comprehension, vocabulary and classroom resources for just an extra 30p at £1.50.</p> <p>#HolyWeek #Easter #Jesus # Christianity #Cross</p>
Holy Week PowerPointQuick View

Holy Week PowerPoint

<p>7 PowerPoint slides with beautiful pictures illustrating the events of Holy Week, leading upto Easter Sunday.</p> <p>Each slide contains an annotation, which can be used for class discussion/teaching on the White Board or printed off for a school display.</p> <p>For the full story/pdf printout/comprehension/vocabulary etc, see my paid resource for just 30p more at £1.30.</p>
3 short  stories for Christmas for KS1/KS2Quick View

3 short stories for Christmas for KS1/KS2

<p>3 beautifully written short stories about helping Santa out of a problem at Christmas. Stories are written for KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, so you can choose which one suits the children in your class.</p> <p>** Plus print off attractive writing paper so the children can write their own Christmas Santa story. **</p>
Hindu fact sheetQuick View

Hindu fact sheet

<p>2 page Hindu fact sheet<br /> Suitable for KS2</p> <p>Includes:<br /> Origins<br /> Sacred texts<br /> Gods &amp; Godesses<br /> Karma/Reincarnation<br /> Dharma<br /> Temples and more …</p> <p>#Hindu #Hinduism #Worldreligions #RE</p>
Buddhism fact sheetQuick View

Buddhism fact sheet

<p>Buddhism fact sheet including:</p> <ul> <li>PDF fact sheet</li> <li>Editable word fact sheet</li> <li>Powerpoint for classroom teaching.</li> </ul> <p>Religion, Buddhism, Worldviews,</p>
Harvest Festival assembly & classroom packQuick View

Harvest Festival assembly & classroom pack

<p>Bumper pack for Harvest Festival including:</p> <ul> <li>7 page PowerPoint with beautiful illustrations for assembly or classroom</li> <li>PDF handout for the children in class</li> <li>Comprehension to be completed in class.</li> </ul>
Holy week story - PowerPoint + Pictures + comprehension + vocabularyQuick View

Holy week story - PowerPoint + Pictures + comprehension + vocabulary

<p>Everything you need to tell the story of Jesus in his final week of life, known as Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday and leading up to Easter. Pack includes:</p> <ul> <li>Beautifully written story on pdf retelling events that unfolded in Holy Week</li> <li>Presentation PowerPoint to read on board with the children (editable)</li> <li>Wonderful and original chronological pictures of Jesus that week to display on board or print off for timeline (with annotations)</li> <li>Comprehension questions (editable/printable)</li> <li>Comprehension answers</li> <li>Vocabulary list of Holy week words/phrases with meanings</li> <li>Editable MS Word version of story that can be adapted as needed.</li> </ul> <p>Suitable for RE lesson or a one off lesson to teach children about Holy Week. Suitable for years 2,3,4,5,6.</p> <p>#Easter #Jesus # RE # ReligiousEducation #HolyWeek</p>
Year 6 SATs written arithmetic revision PowerPoint slidesQuick View

Year 6 SATs written arithmetic revision PowerPoint slides

<p>13 PowerPoint slides to practise the skills of:</p> <ul> <li>column addition</li> <li>column subtraction</li> <li>long multiplication</li> <li>short/long division</li> <li>division with remainders (fractions)</li> </ul> <p>including empty box questions for inverse calculation practice.</p> <p>Slides are easily editable to can be changed and adapted to last for weeks.</p>
Year 6 SATS maths arithmetic practice PowerPoint slidesQuick View

Year 6 SATS maths arithmetic practice PowerPoint slides

<p>20 PowerPoint slides of maths SATs arithmetic questions for:</p> <ul> <li>number/place value (sequences/rounding etc)</li> <li>mental addition/subtraction</li> <li>mental times tables/division</li> <li>Roman numerals</li> </ul> <p>Ideal as starters or early morning work, with questions getting progressively harder.</p> <p>Slides are EASILY ADAPTABLE so can be used again and again.</p>
Ramadan PowerPoint + info sheet + comprehension + vocabQuick View

Ramadan PowerPoint + info sheet + comprehension + vocab

<p>Everything you need to teach Ramadan including:</p> <ul> <li>5 page PowerPoint all about Ramadan with beautiful pictures to enhance learning</li> <li>2 page fact sheet (pdf) to hand out to children</li> <li>Comprehension questions based on the text</li> <li>Comprehension answers</li> <li>Vocabulary list / meanings to aid children’s learning</li> <li>Editable word version of text, to adapt if needed.</li> </ul> <p>Suitable for KS1/KS2 to aid and enhance understanding of Ramadan, including why Muslims fast and Eid al-Fitr.</p>
Maths starters for year 5   (20 slides)Quick View

Maths starters for year 5 (20 slides)

<p>20 editable maths PowerPoint slides that can be used for</p> <ul> <li>maths starters</li> <li>early morning work</li> <li>revision</li> </ul> <p>Suitable for year 5.</p> <p>Includes place value, addition/subtraction, multiplication/division and missing number questions.</p> <p>Slides are fully editable so can easily be adapted and reused.</p>
Dragon 3 week English planning for KS2Quick View

Dragon 3 week English planning for KS2

<p>Comprehensive 3 week bumper pack of English planning based on a uniquely written dragon story, where a child defeats a dragon in the mountains.</p> <p>Bumper pack includes:</p> <ul> <li>3 week English plan, that can be adapted for years 2-6</li> <li>Printable dragon story on A4 PDF (word copy also available for adaptations).</li> <li>Story on PowerPoint to share with class</li> <li>Printable fact sheet on dragons (can use for further n/f English planning)</li> <li>Vocabulary list/knowledge organiser on dragons</li> <li>Comprehension questions on PowerPoint/Word</li> <li>Beautiful pictures on PowerPoint to aid description writing</li> <li>Cross-curricular ideas for further lessons on art, D&amp;T, Geography etc …</li> </ul> <p>Everything you need to plan and develop a 6 week cross-curricular plan based on dragons. The plans can easily be adapted for years 2-6.</p>
Ancient Egyptian 3 week English plan for KS2 (incl story/Ppt/comprehension/pics)Quick View

Ancient Egyptian 3 week English plan for KS2 (incl story/Ppt/comprehension/pics)

<p>A 3 week English writing plan linked to Ancient Egypt, including:</p> <ul> <li>Beautifully written unique 400 word Egyptian story, on PDF, Ppt and Word</li> <li>Includes relevant KS2 grammar: descriptions, dialogue and more …</li> <li>Comprehension questions on story for a reading lesson</li> <li>Vocabulary list with meanings/KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER</li> <li>Full 3 week writing planning for KS2</li> <li>Beautiful pictures on PowerPoint to aid descriptive writing</li> </ul> <p>Everything you need to enable children to learn about Ancient Egypt, improve their reading skills and write a story in the third week. Planning is easily adaptable to any year group within KS2.</p>
Viking 3 week English planning for KS2Quick View

Viking 3 week English planning for KS2

<p>A Viking revenge English unit suitable for KS2, complete with:</p> <ul> <li>350 word story</li> <li>3 week planning ideas leading to a story</li> <li>Comprehension</li> <li>PowerPoint displaying story/comprehension</li> <li>Quality pictures on PowerPoint for descriptive writing.</li> <li>Vocabulary and knowledge organiser<br /> Suitable for years 4/5/6</li> </ul>
Pack of 14 winter/Christmas poems + PptsQuick View

Pack of 14 winter/Christmas poems + Ppts

<p>Everything you need for Christmas poetry - a bumper pack of 14 poems with a Christmas and winter theme.</p> <p>** PLUS editable attractive PowerPoints to accompany the poems. **</p> <p>Poetry pack includes: rhyming, Haiku, Kennings, Limericks and more …<br /> Age range from 5 - 11 years, with something for every age group including SEN.</p>
Maths starters for year 4Quick View

Maths starters for year 4

<p>20 Ppt slides of maths starters/early morning work suitable for year 4, including place value, addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.</p> <p>Slides are fully editable so can easily be adapted and reused.</p>
Maths starters - year 3Quick View

Maths starters - year 3

<p>20 Ppt slides of maths starters/early morning work suitable for YEAR 3. Place value/addition/subtraction/multiplication/division.</p> <p>Slides are fully editable so can easily be adapted and reused.</p>