A Titanic Problem - KS2 mathsQuick View

A Titanic Problem - KS2 maths

A mostly fictitious story of life on board the Titanic. I have used factual information as much as I can to create a story of the voyage with a huge amount of maths to follow. If you have the capability this resource is best printed as a booklet on a3 paper. If there are any mistakes please let me know. Enjoy.
Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000Quick View

Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000

A consolidation exercise to assess pupil's understanding of dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Extends to inverse operations and multi step problems covering the same process. Answer sheet provided. Please let me know if there are any errors!
A week of Warm UpsQuick View

A week of Warm Ups

Five inspirational and very challenging mental warms ups. Includes a user guide of how you could differentiate the activities. I hope you enjoy them. I have used them all regularly in a mixed ability year 5/6 class but they are all easily edited to suit all of the primary phase. I'd encourage you to use them in a whole class session as I have found that all of the children working on the same task and sharing success really promotes a love for number work. UPDATE! I&'ve added a word document with the activities including a blank number journey as some of you cannot open in notebook.
Interactive / choose your own adventure storiesQuick View

Interactive / choose your own adventure stories

One of my favourite units to deliver! You will find a complete plan and resource base to inspire your class to write an interactive story. Watch the powerpoint first (be patient in places) to remind yourselves of these stories. If this unit will suit your class (end of year unit maybe) it will run itself after you have it up and running. I have used it several times with great success. It differentiates itself and acts as long term homework / extension tasks as it can be never ending. Enjoy.
Edward Tulane Complete SchemeQuick View

Edward Tulane Complete Scheme

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is possibly my favourite story of all. It is written beautifully and offers numerous possibilities for discussions and extended writing. I have included most of the resources required for the unit along with an extensive notebook file and session plans. There are extended activities for each session of work which could extend this unit and several ideas for an end of unit project. Pleae enjoy this story with your class - and I hope you all love it as much as I do. Kate DiCamillo is a hidden treasure!
Primary to Secondary Transition SessionsQuick View

Primary to Secondary Transition Sessions

3 literacy and numeracy sessions to support transition from primary school to secondary school. Sessions can be delivered independently or as a continuous unit. I have enjoyed particular success with the Smarties investigation and the baravelle spirals. I'll upload a notebook file when I get around to creating it. Enjoy!
Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 1Quick View

Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 1

This is week 1 of a scheme of work for numeracy I am designing to support a new role I have accepted. Each week I will post a new week of activities until I have a completed scheme. The aim of the plans are to boost children in year 6 or 7 currently working at level 3 into level 4. I will use a variety of materials for support and welcome any tips or advice from all of you to tinker with and improve this project. I'll also post my literacy intervention plans. See the guidance for more information. Enjoy.
The Iron Man book studyQuick View

The Iron Man book study

A set of resources that covers the entire book chapter by chapter offering sessions plans, ideas for extension and lesson resources.
Spelling GamesQuick View

Spelling Games

This a collection of spelling games I have sourced from around the web and some I have created myself. I wanted to have them all in one place for ease of use. I print them back to back, laminate and have on my board ready to use. I have found the tic-tac-toe and basketball game to be wonderfully successful, particularly with the boys in my class.
Calculate across zero Quick View

Calculate across zero

This is a worsksheet to consolidate or rehearse calculating through zero and handling negative numbers. I have used Star Wars characters as the vehicles for the activity and there is an extension activity provided that reviews multi step problems. Hope this helps someone.
Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 2Quick View

Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 2

Second week of daily lessons for teaching maths to an intervention group of children aiming for level 4 in maths. This week starts with square numbers, moves on to sequences and finishes with three sessions of mental calculation methods. Week 1 of the plans are also available along with weekly literacy sessions with the same goal. I hope it helps someone else! Enjoy.
Olympic LogoQuick View

Olympic Logo

A notebook file to inspire pupils for our London 2012 topic. Includes a starter asking pupils to identify a variety of popular logos. It then shows all summer olympic logos from 1936 to 2016. Main activity is for the class to design their own logos using criteria identified from logos observed. * install the 'Greece' Olympic font for this resource to be viewed accurately. If you do not have the Greece font installed then accept my apologies for several upper case letter errors - the Greece font only uses capitals. You can get hold of it here. . . http://en.fonts2u.com/greece.font
Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 5Quick View

Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 5

Week 5 of a maths scheme intended to raise attainment from level 3 to 4. This week focusses on co-ordinates, probability, multiples, divisibility rules and factors. I've also updated the medium term planning to show all the units covered so far.
Literacy Intervention - Enjoying Stories!Quick View

Literacy Intervention - Enjoying Stories!

A further literacy intervention unit consisting of 6 sessions aiming to engage children with stories (mostly Morpurgo) and to plan, write and edit a story of their own. Each session will include approximately 20 minutes of grammar or handwriting input.
Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 week 6Quick View

Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 week 6

<p>The sixth week of a numeracy intervention scheme of work to progress children from level 3 into level 4 either just before starting secondary education or just after starting. There is no reason why these resources couldn’t also be used to extend children working lower down in primary education. This week covers multiplying and dividing, rounding, fractions and word problems involving money. Enjoy.</p>
Numeracy Intervention Medium Term PlanQuick View

Numeracy Intervention Medium Term Plan

This is a word document containing the medium term plans for my numeracy intervention scheme. It's not particularly detailed as you will find the majority of my effort went into the design of the accompnaying notebook files. The hyper links to the notebooks won't work but I am sure you can alter these yourself. Let me know if any of you find this successful as I am always looking to improve. Enjoy it all and don&'t work too hard. feedback always welcome.
Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 week 3Quick View

Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 week 3

Week 3 of my maths scheme includes multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Securing written emthods of addition, Word problems. Bar charts, bar line graphs and concludes with revisiting mode and range averages.
Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 week 4Quick View

Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 week 4

Week 4 of the scheme of work includes fractions, the four operations to include decimals and doubling and halving. I'll post an updated medium term plan soon.
Literacy Intervention 1: Non Chronological ReportsQuick View

Literacy Intervention 1: Non Chronological Reports

Unit 1 of an intervention scheme I am developing. These are 5 sessions intended to develop a pupil's understanding of reports while improving sentence structure and punctuation. The hyperlinks within the notebook file will not work so you may have to use your own specific resources. Any questions please ask. I will continually update the medium term plans until the scheme is complete.
Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 7Quick View

Numeracy Intervention 3 to 4 Week 7

This is intended as the final week of a 35 session numeracy intervention scheme. There are a couple of topics (time and perimeter) that I have not included in the plans as these will be practical activities used during the clebration periods and for homeworks. I have also posted the medium term plans for your use. I hope you find something somehwere that helps. Feedback always welcome.
1:1 or small group maths supportQuick View

1:1 or small group maths support

Here is a resource I have created to support in my delivery of 1:1 or small group year 6 maths support. It contains almost all the KPIs for year 6 and repeats a lot of the key number objectives. I print it out as an A3 booklet and work through it with the pupils we have identified. I have found it is most effective when combined with regular arithmetic support as many of the skills assumed mastered are not within the year 6 KPI list. The squared paper pages have been provided for ease of use. Hope this works for you. I am going to use it, along with set 2 when it's complete, to prepare pupils for SATs in May.