Marshmallows The Literacy Shed SEN EnglishQuick View

Marshmallows The Literacy Shed SEN English

<p>A scheme of work to support The Literacy Shed’s Marshmallow video. I designed this scheme of work last minute to support secondary MLD students, something that is fun and exciting that helps them engage in the lessons whilst working from home.<br /> Within the flipchart is an example of a non chronological report for one of the activities, this is to be used as a recommendation and gives staff delivering the resource an idea of what to use to support students in writing non-chronological reports. Twinkl have lots of free non chronological reports.<br /> English skills covered include : non chronological reports, comic book writing, descriptive writing ( onomatopoeia, similes and adjectives) and creative writing surrounding making a ‘wanted’ poster.</p>
Herd Mentality Game (Classroom Version)Quick View

Herd Mentality Game (Classroom Version)

<p>A variation on the game Herd Mentality, great for transition into secondary school, getting to know you activity and for devleoping social skills/speaking and listening.</p> <p>More questions will be added to the slide over the next few weeks, so far there are 26 different questions.</p>
Grandpa's Great Escape SEN English/ Reading LessonsQuick View

Grandpa's Great Escape SEN English/ Reading Lessons

<p>A scheme of work I put together to engage reluctant readers using David Walliam’s fantastic book Grandpa’s Great Escape.<br /> Pupils write instructions to build a model air craft ( model aircrafts not included in purchase :) ), create their own theme park for the elderly, write diary entries , write an interview in a police station to interrogate criminals (links to a clip from the simpsons video is included ) amongst other things to develop their literacy skills and develop a love for reading. This also complemented our topic at the time of World War 2.<br /> All worksheets are combined in the attached publisher document.<br /> One video clip taken from the movie Dunkirk is also linked. Additional work on onomatopoeias can be found on twinkl’s website.</p>
Michael Rosen Poetry Lesson - Don'tQuick View

Michael Rosen Poetry Lesson - Don't

<p>Supporting material for a lesson on Michael Rosen’s poem Don’t, used with a lower ability Year 9 SEN class ( levels P8 - 1)<br /> This focus on rhyming words with the body.</p>
Array WorksheetQuick View

Array Worksheet

<p>An editable worksheet with a template to support students with creating arrays.</p>
Milkshake Recipe SENQuick View

Milkshake Recipe SEN

<p>Clear instructions for SEN students on three milkshake recipes. Chocolate recipe biscuits require oreos. Vanilla recipe is a simplified version to support LA students. Instructions also require students to wash up independently.</p> <p>Staff information below.<br /> Chocolate milkshake serves 4:<br /> Blend 12 oreos<br /> Add in 4 scoops of chocolate ice cream<br /> Add in 400 ml of milk</p> <p>Strawberry Milkshake serves 2<br /> 225g chopped strawberries<br /> 200ml of milk<br /> 3 scoops of ice cream</p> <p>Vanilla ice cream serves 3</p>