Spanish DP MYP Reading Summative Assessment Emergent LevelQuick View

Spanish DP MYP Reading Summative Assessment Emergent Level

<p>This is a listening task for MYP Spanish Emergent Level for the Unit Identities and the subtheme “My school life and friends”. It contains a link to a Youtube video and a series of questions for aspects 1, 2 and 3 that evaluate the MYP strands of a listening assessment.</p> <p>This listening task can be used as a unit summative assessment or as a formative assessment. It is a word document therefore you are able to edit it to your needs. At the end of the document you can find the MYP Task specific clarification in case you want to use the task as a summative.</p> <p>The questions are all in spanish but the questions in aspecto 3 are also written in English.</p>