Lower KS2 Persuasive Letter Checklist - Self Peer and Teacher AssessmentQuick View

Lower KS2 Persuasive Letter Checklist - Self Peer and Teacher Assessment

A self and peer assessment checklist created for my Year 4 class, with space for extended peer feedback below. We usually do these a day or so after our first piece of persuasive writing, take on the feedback given from seeing the missing features, then spend time editing and improving before creating a final version. Then we self and peer assess a second time, to see the improvement between the two pieces of writing. Opportunities to extend - after receiving their peer feedback, students then spend time correcting spelling and re-drafting their work to better include the features of a persuasive letter. Hope you find this useful! A PDF and Word doc version are attached - if you print the PDF off at 86.6% size, with trimming it will easily fit in their writing books.
The Story of Pandora's BoxQuick View

The Story of Pandora's Box

A PowerPoint depicting the story of Pandora's box for a literacy unit on Myths & Legends cross with a Topic Unit on Ancient Greece. I use this to familiarise my Year 4 class with at least one myth before their Cold Task assessment, where they will have a first attempt at writing a myth before the unit's instruction. The unit will finish with a hot task, where (hopefully) they will have learned much more about the conventions of myths & legends and will include them in piece of writing that show's that term's progress. Story taken from http://greece.mrdonn.org/greekgods/pandora.html and images found on Google. I do not claim authorship of these materials here, I have purely uploaded it in one PowerPoint for ease. Hope it's useful foryou!
Lower KS2 Play Script Checklist - Self Peer and Teacher AssessmentQuick View

Lower KS2 Play Script Checklist - Self Peer and Teacher Assessment

A self and peer assessment checklist created for my Year 4 class, with space for extended peer feedback below. We usually do these a day or so after our first attempt at a play script, take on the feedback given from seeing the missing features, then spend time editing and improving before creating a final version. Then we self and peer assess a second time, to see the improvement between the two pieces of writing. Opportunities to extend - after receiving their peer feedback, students then spend time correcting spelling and re-drafting their work to better include the features of a play script. Hope you find this useful! A PDF and Word doc version are attached - if you print the PDF off at 86.6% size, with trimming it will easily fit in their writing books.
Stage Terms Naughts & CrossesQuick View

Stage Terms Naughts & Crosses

I've used this activity to teach stage terms to years 7 & 8, and they love the activity. We explain the stage terms (upstage, downstage etc) and I draw a stage on the board and they fill in their own copy for their folios. I also explain the terms 'house' and house left & right. These go at the bottom. I then use lay the initials of the terms (US/DS etc) out on the floor, and the students are divided into four teams with a captain. The captain must direct members of their teams to positions on the floor, using the full stage terms - "Kate to upstage left". This is a giant naughts and crosses game, and the winners play the winners, and the losers play the losers in a mini tournament. Captains must use full stage terms. Differentiate each team by asking the naughts to sit on the floor and the crosses to stand up. This means you can easily see which team has won. This activity takes around 30 minutes, but this obviously depends on the size of your class.