Addition and Subtraction with Negative NumbersQuick View

Addition and Subtraction with Negative Numbers

A PowerPoint visual explaining the effects of adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers. The flag points to number you start at then depending which team has more people the flag will move - its all animated. Includes Questions and Answers.<br /> There is also an extension, students must fill in the missing sign to make the sum correct. Answers provided.
Types of Triangles Quick View

Types of Triangles

A Sheet that gets student to identify the four types of triangle. For each triangle there is a picture, name and definition.<br /> <br /> Could be used as a started to refresh or to introduce the class to the shapes.<br /> <br /> I am using with my low ability year 9's as a refresher on the properties of the shape.
Horizontal and Vertical LinesQuick View

Horizontal and Vertical Lines

A full lesson to develop understanding about horizontal and vertical lines. Starting with looking at coordinates to spot the link, then identifying 7 lines, then drawing given lines onto a graph.<br /> <br /> LO: To recognise and be able to plot Horizontal and Vertical lines on a graph<br /> KW: Horizontal, Vertical, Graph, Parallel, Value, Function
Upper and Lower Bounds / Limits of AccuracyQuick View

Upper and Lower Bounds / Limits of Accuracy

The powerpoint starts with recapping the different inequality signs. <br /> There is then a game of 'if this is the answer what is the question' linking to the fact that finding bounds is like being given the answer to a rounding question and working backwards to find what numbers could have been in the question.<br /> Then to explain how we find the upper and lower bounds I have used a number line with colour coding on what numbers would round, I have then zoomed in on the last section a few times to show we get closer and closer to the upper bound.<br /> Next is a slide to show the upper and lower bounds written just as bounds and also as an error interval.<br /> Finally there are 5 questions each on finding the error interval of a numbers rounded to 10, 100, 1dp and 2dp.
Mixed TransformationsQuick View

Mixed Transformations

This completely animated PowerPoint works through the four transformations with examples to help visually. I used one part per lesson along with Tristanjones worksheets (they are amazing). It could also be used to as a quick revision run through.<br /> <br /> Includes:<br /> Reflection, (standard and diagonal)<br /> Order of rotation, Center of rotation, Degrees of rotation,<br /> Vectors, Translation,<br /> Enlargement with and without a center of enlargement, Fractional enlargement, Negative enlargement.<br /> <br /> The front page is hyperlinked to the different transformations and then each back to the pain page. <br /> All animations works of the click of a mouse.
Area and Volume formulae revisionQuick View

Area and Volume formulae revision

2 different resources to try and help students remember all of the formulae they need for the new GCSE exam. <br /> <br /> There is a worksheet that can be used in a few different ways, it can be given mostly blank for students to fill in, cut out and used as a matching activity or given as a complete sheet for revision. The answers are provided in pink.<br /> For each shape there is a picture, Name, Formula and worked example. <br /> <br /> There is then a PowerPoint, that can be used as a quiz. Both halves have the exact same questions, however the first half shows the questions one after the other with the answers at end. The second half shows the answers on each slide through animation - better as a whiteboard activity.
Types of AnglesQuick View

Types of Angles

A sheet where students need to match an angle to a Name and a definition. <br /> **Complete with answers**<br /> <br /> <br /> I'm using this with my weak year 9's but I think it is better suited to younger students.
Geometry NotationQuick View

Geometry Notation

This Powerpoint runs through the standard notation of elements geometry. <br /> It includes: Polygons, Irregular and Regular Polygons, Showing the same length, showing angles, showing parallel sides and a challenge at the end to see if they can put all of the information together.<br /> <br /> I use it in the first geometry module of the year with each class, as some of these things can slip through and be missed.
Transformations of graphsQuick View

Transformations of graphs

<p>A PowerPoint with supporting resources that investigates the different types of transformations of graphs. Complete with worksheet to complete afterwards.</p>
Drawing the Sine and Cosine graphQuick View

Drawing the Sine and Cosine graph

A fully animated PowerPoint with step by step instructions on how to draw the sine and cosine graph using the unit circle.<br /> <br /> It goes on to talk about how to use the graph to read values and how a calculator uses these values.
Factorising QuadraticsQuick View

Factorising Quadratics

A PowerPoint that's goes step by step through how to factorise quadratics. Starting with a positive value for c and positive value for b, then positive c and negative b and finally negative c.<br /> <br /> Complete with questions and answers.<br /> <br /> Briefly touches on solving quadratics by setting them equal to 0.
Equation of a line Quick View

Equation of a line

A flipchart that works through how to find the equation of a line and the components that make it. With a differentiated worksheet around find the equation of a line, starting with positive gradients then moving onto fractional and negative gradients, the worksheet start with very guided questions and then become more independent.<br /> <br /> LO: To understand the components of an equation of a line.<br /> KW: Gradient, Slope, Steepness, Intercept, Equation, Axis
Averages and Comparing AveragesQuick View

Averages and Comparing Averages

A flipchart that starts of finding averages of sets of data and then moves on to comparing data using averages.<br /> <br /> The dream team athletics, works well as it shows that there is not always a right or wrong conclusion that can be drawn from comparing data. A good discussion starter about which averages should be used when.<br /> <br /> LO1: To be able to find the four different averages of sets of data.<br /> LO2: To use the averages to compare data<br /> KW: Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Compare,
Area of basic 2D shapesQuick View

Area of basic 2D shapes

A work sheet that requires student to correctly write the formula for some 2D shapes and then use the dimensions given to find the areas. Particularly good for a quick revision activity. <br /> <br /> Includes: <br /> Area of a Rectangle<br /> Area of a Triangle<br /> Area of a Parallelogram<br /> Area of a Trapezium<br /> Perimeter of a Shape<br /> Radius of a Circle<br /> Diameter of a Circle<br /> Area of a Circle<br /> Circumference of a Circle
Mixed Index LawsQuick View

Mixed Index Laws

A worksheet with a selection of index laws testing all skills and some high level thinking questions toward the end.
Plotting Linear GraphsQuick View

Plotting Linear Graphs

A slow walk through of how to plot a linear graph, starting with filling in a function table, then onto plotting. The blank axes also allows for a chance to look at correct scales.
Getting to Know YouQuick View

Getting to Know You

A set of four sheets that help you get to know your students.<br /> <br /> The first is for students coming from year 6 up to secondary school.<br /> Getting to know a new tutor (i used this to pass my tutor group over when i left)<br /> Getting to know your new subject teacher.<br /> A form for teachers to fill out, all about the students in a class.
Identifying Significant FiguresQuick View

Identifying Significant Figures

A small quiz (10 questions) which requires students to identify different significant figures, ranging from whole numbers to values with decimals. I have tried to cover misconceptions such as when not to count a 0 and when to count a zero.<br /> <br /> Each slide will display the number then underline the correct answer. <br /> <br /> Works really well with mini whiteboards.
Percentage Increase and DecreaseQuick View

Percentage Increase and Decrease

A full flipchart that works from a starter on find percentage of amount. Then doing percentage increase and decrease without a calculator. Then there is an activity on how to find a multiplier - there is a tarsia to go with this. Then finally percentage increase and decrease without a calculator. <br /> <br /> LO: To calculate percentage increases and decrease using multipliers<br /> KW: Percentage, Increase, Decrease, Add, Subtract, Equivalent, Decimal
Simplifying RatioQuick View

Simplifying Ratio

<p>An introduction to ratios and then examples on how to simplify them.</p> <p>Worksheet complete with answers. 4 different plenary activities to chose from each focusing on a different aspect of thee lesson.</p>
Area and Circumference matchQuick View

Area and Circumference match

An activity that requires students to match the Radius, Diameter, Area and Circumference to a picture and also the relevant equation.<br /> <br /> Comes with answers.<br /> <br /> I gave the sheet to students and asked to draw the lines to match them up but could be given as a card sort.