Year 4 new curriculum reading comprehension activity booklet general adaptable guided follow up workQuick View

Year 4 new curriculum reading comprehension activity booklet general adaptable guided follow up work

An editable and adaptable general booklet of comprehension activities to use alongside a fiction text. All activities have the objective along the top and include: Predict what might happen from details stated and implied, Ask questions to improve their understanding of a text, Check that the text makes sense to them, discuss their understanding and explain the meaning of words in context, Identifying themes and conventions in a wide range of books, Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justify inferences with evidence, Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination, Identify main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarise these and Identify how language, structure, and presentation contribute to meaning
Year 4 SPaG GPS Writing desk mat prompt checklistQuick View

Year 4 SPaG GPS Writing desk mat prompt checklist

A desk mat/ prompt that covers most areas of the Year 4 writing curriculum including standard English, fronted adverbials, apostrophes, paragraphs, expanded noun phrases, commas, speech, organisational devices, characters, setting, plot. Also included are reminders for: capital letters, homophones, conjunctions and sentence starters.