AQA A Level Media Studies - CSP The MissingQuick View

AQA A Level Media Studies - CSP The Missing

<p>This is a study guide for AQA A Level Media Studies Students. This is for the CSP The Missing</p> <p>I have adapted the points from the CSP booklet into a study guide to assist students. There are activities and questions that have been designed off of the CSP bullet points. The bullet points in the CSP booklet can at times be a little vague and ambiguous, so I have tried to create these booklets to ensure that all aspects have been covered.</p>
AQA A Level Media Studies - Daily Mail CSPQuick View

AQA A Level Media Studies - Daily Mail CSP

<p>This is a study guide for AQA A Level Media Studies Students. This is for the CSP on the Daily Mail.</p> <p>I have adapted the points from the CSP booklet into a study guide to assist students. There are activities and questions that have been designed off of the CSP bullet points. The bullet points in the CSP booklet can at times be a little vague and ambiguous, so I have tried to create these booklets to ensure that all aspects have been covered. This booklet is designed to assist students with their analysis of their copy of the Daily Mail.</p>
AQA A Level Media Studies - Score Hair Cream AdvertisementQuick View

AQA A Level Media Studies - Score Hair Cream Advertisement

<p>This is a study guide for AQA A Level Media Studies Students. This is for the CSP on Score Hair Cream.</p> <p>I have adapted the points from the CSP booklet into a study guide to assist students. There are activities and questions that have been designed off of the CSP bullet points. The bullet points in the CSP booklet can at times be a little vague and ambiguous, so I have tried to create these booklets to ensure that all aspects have been covered.</p> <p>This guide includes advertisements for students to practice their analysis on as well as a guide for analysing advertisements.</p>
AQA A Level Media Studies CSP - WitnessesQuick View

AQA A Level Media Studies CSP - Witnesses

<p>This is a study guide for AQA A Level Media Studies Students. This is for the CSP Witnesses.</p> <p>I have adapted the points from the CSP booklet into a study guide to assist students. There are activities and questions that have been designed off of the CSP bullet points. The bullet points in the CSP booklet can at times be a little vague and ambiguous, so I have tried to create these booklets to ensure that all aspects have been covered</p> <p>**** Having taught the text I have added some updates to the study guide and included a more comprehensive guide to the theories and better prompts and directions for the questions ****</p>
IB Business The Founder - Unit 1 ReviewQuick View

IB Business The Founder - Unit 1 Review

<p>The activity involves watching the movie “The Founder” and answering a series of questions aligned with key concepts from the IB Business Management syllabus. These questions encourage students to analyse and discuss various aspects, including the nature of business sectors, challenges and opportunities for business, the evolution of McDonald’s business model, inferred vision and mission statements, specific growth strategies, stakeholder dynamics, the Triple Bottom Line, and the differentiation between the private and public sectors in the context of McDonald’s transformation. The activity promotes critical thinking and application of business management principles within the context of the film.</p> <p>The film can be found on Amazon Prime (can be viewed for free with ads depending on the country).</p>
AQA A Level Media Studies - CSP Tomb Raider Anniversary Student workbook/ebookQuick View

AQA A Level Media Studies - CSP Tomb Raider Anniversary Student workbook/ebook

<p>This is a study guide for AQA A Level Media Studies Students. This is for the CSP Tomb Raider Anniversary.</p> <p>I have adapted the points from the CSP booklet into a study guide to assist students. There are activities and questions that have been designed off of the CSP bullet points. The bullet points in the CSP booklet can at times be a little vague and ambiguous, so I have tried to create these booklets to ensure that all aspects have been covered</p> <p>Feel free to alter the guide as you see fit or for those with tight printing budgets distribute it as en ebook.</p> <p>Good luck and have fun!</p> <p>#tombraider #mediastudies #studyguide #alevelmedia #laracroft #aqamedia</p>
Media Studies - Narratology Study GuideQuick View

Media Studies - Narratology Study Guide

<p>Activities for Narratology AQA A Level Media Studies.</p> <p> Narratology<br /> Narratology:<br /> • Narrative Codes<br /> • Narration<br /> • Diegesis<br /> • Quest narrative<br /> • ‘Character types’<br /> • Causality<br /> • Plot<br /> • Masterplot.<br /> Todorov’s ideas and theories on narratology:<br /> • Narrative structure • Equilibrium • Disruption • New equilibrium.</p>