Differentiation rules digital tarsiaQuick View

Differentiation rules digital tarsia

This tarsia can be used when students are fluent in all differentiation rules. Starting position is the green square. Students need to rotate and move squares in the correct positions in the Word document. This task requires a lot of notebook calculations. Requires knowledge of product, quotient, chain rules. Also students need to be able to differentiate x^n, ln, sin, cos and need to apply several rules in most questions. One question requires knowledge of the Pythagorean identity, and another requires to know tan=sin/cos. This is definitely challenging as students need to look out for repeated use of differentiation rules.
Binomial expansion digital tarsiaQuick View

Binomial expansion digital tarsia

Students need to find the the coefficient of specific terms in the binomial expansions. The starting position is the green square. Students need to rotate and move the squares into their correct place in the Word document. This is an extended tarsia, so the edges are not empty to make it harder to complete.
Nth term of linear sequences digital tarsiaQuick View

Nth term of linear sequences digital tarsia

Students need to pair up the linear sequences with their nth term. There are a few simple quadratic sequences as well. These odd ones are a good opportunity to stretch the more able. Starting triangle is marked green. Some students might need a demonstration on how to move and rotate the triangles.