<p>A display with the title - Are murderers born or made?</p>
<p>When put together this display includes information on prolific murderers and shows ideas on why they might have committed such crimes.</p>
<p>Safeguarding Task: Reflection on The Dangerous Rise of Andrew Tate Documentary</p>
<p>Andrew Tate is a social media influencer who has gained notoriety over the years for peddling misogynistic views. He has been charged with rape, human trafficking and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.</p>
<p>This activity involves watching a BBC documentary before reflecting on your own thoughts and opinions.</p>
<p>Government guidance states that:</p>
<li>The most effective model of delivery for safeguarding and wider learning topics is a sequenced, spiral programme that builds on prior learning as learners progress through school.</li>
<li>Like other subjects it should be studied for at least an hour a week.</li>
<li>By the end of key stage 5, many young people will leave home for the first time and live independently, possibly in distant locations. This is our last opportunity to ensure learners have real competence in the skills and strategies they have developed through their PSHE education.</li>
<p>Attached is a wide list of wider learning and PSHE documnentaries or resources which can be used on a whole host of topics.</p>
<p>I was asked to create a large wall display for a classroom of the metacognition/learning wheel.<br />
Useful for use in the classroom to engage students.</p>
<p>This PowerPoint gives older learners an opportunity to work through the activities, answer questions and watch video clips to further their understanding of the Prevent Strategy and Radicalisation.</p>
<p>This PowerPoint gives older learners an opportunity to work through the activities, answer questions and watch video clips to further their understanding of Safeguarding.</p>
<p>A different library display - Don’t judge a book by its film. Includes images and title as well as a competition poster to get students involved in writing a review of their favourite book/film.</p>
<p>This lesson is designed for learners looking to increase their<br />
knowledge and understanding of nutrition and health. It will help the learner<br />
to develop their knowledge of healthy eating, planning a healthy diet and<br />
understanding eating disorders.</p>