Expanding Brackets LessonQuick View

Expanding Brackets Lesson

This lesson begins expanding single brackets, simplifying to expanding double brackets.<br /> <br /> Problem solving is included, with in depth reasoning tasks to generalise proof. <br /> <br /> This can be used for higher sets in KS3 and to get GCSE students really thinking whilst revising.<br /> <br /> Whiteboards as an AFL task is included, the questions in this task truely build the students thinking skills, as a multiple choice it will attend misconceptions and it has whiteboard challenge questions too.
Multiply FractionsQuick View

Multiply Fractions

Created for low sets KS3.<br /> <br /> Includes full animated development of understanding with shaded fractions of fractions so students discover multiplying fractions for themselves in a creative way.<br /> Included worksheet with answers and then development of just answering questions afterwards.
Data & Averages from Frequency TablesQuick View

Data & Averages from Frequency Tables

Suitable for a variety of sets due to in depth examples and understanding.<br /> <br /> Lesson begins with understanding the frequency and totals for the mean calculations before introducing averages. <br /> Tasks use the same frequency tables so students are not wasting time copying all the time and develop knowledge from the same frequency tables and data.<br /> Begins with frequency and multiplying.<br /> Develops to mode and range.<br /> Moves to median and mean. <br /> Problem solving with missing frequencies.
Area and Circumference of Circles LessonQuick View

Area and Circumference of Circles Lesson

Developed for Year 10 GCSE Higher groups<br /> <br /> Begins with parts of a circle and AFL task.<br /> Describes where pi comes from with a mini-memory game.<br /> Examples fully presented.<br /> Tasks with Fluency, mastery, reasoning and Problem Solving Questions.<br /> Progress checks for Afl and follow up tasks included. <br /> Extension examples of given circumference to find radius.<br /> <br /> Objectives on images.
Squares, cubes and roots & Index NotationQuick View

Squares, cubes and roots & Index Notation

Lesson understanding squares, cubes and roots relating to area.<br /> Introduces powers and indices for understanding before index laws.<br /> <br /> Objectives shown through pictures.<br /> <br /> Introduction of what a base and power number is. <br /> Squares through area and therefore roots.<br /> Attends misconceptions. <br /> Task related to Fluency, Mastery, Reasoning and Problem Solving.<br /> Mini-Race task making squares and cubes drills engaging.<br /> <br /> Problem solving task is low floor high ceiling with development from the beginning. May want this as paired task to encourage buddy working.
Substituting into Scientific FormulaeQuick View

Substituting into Scientific Formulae

This is aimed at GCSE students minimum. It will be aimed at higher ability pupils and scaffolding for what the formulae mean will be need from the teacher. <br /> Insteada of substituting into useless formulae this will help students to find links between science and maths, practising substitution for both GCSE examinations.
Critical Thinking: Information Processing and Problem SolvingQuick View

Critical Thinking: Information Processing and Problem Solving

Created for Higher Ability Year 10 Pupils for cross-curricular activity.<br /> <br /> Includes puzzles and problems for students to solve in groups.<br /> The group work is necessary and the problem cannot be solved using a single pupil. <br /> Mixed-Ability groups is advised.<br /> <br /> ANSWERS: <br /> Task 1: Code breaker: reveals riddle who's answer is HISTORY<br /> Task 2: History journals: the link between each journal is SCIENCE<br /> Task 3: Litmus paper description: colors within link to the alphabet leading to GEOGRAPHY<br /> Task 4: Geography and MFL: French and German translation first letters of each word spells PHYSICAL EDUCATION<br /> Task 5: PE and Maths are speed/distance/time calculations leading to code 7730<br /> <br /> Code breaker works on the PowerPoint when played.
Order of OperationsQuick View

Order of Operations

Moves away from just BIDMAS and looks at a 'step by step' approach.<br /> <br /> Includes animations and task with fluency, mastery and reasoning style questions.
Factorise Brackets LessonQuick View

Factorise Brackets Lesson

This moves through from single brackets to singular quadratics. <br /> Reasoning and problem solving tasks are included, with generalisation to prove why we multiply for the constant and add for the coefficient of x.
Angles in Parallel LinesQuick View

Angles in Parallel Lines

<p>Full “My Turn Your Turn” for Cognative Reduction.</p> <p>Had to delete the tasks with questions as I used mathsworksheets4kids and KESH Questions.</p> <p>Has a reasoning task where students practise writing just the reasons in - I find this is where they lose marks most.</p>
Understanding Proportions LessonQuick View

Understanding Proportions Lesson

<p>I used this for my Year 10 low set who are aiming for their Entry level, but some students will be aiming for a Grade at GCSE so needed a lot of differentiation.</p>
Add and Subtract Negative Numbers LessonQuick View

Add and Subtract Negative Numbers Lesson

Created for Lower KS3 sets.<br /> <br /> Lesson included tasks and examples using vectors to teach negative numbers. Shows why the negative numbers rules exists and give scope for discover of the rules. Avoids misconception of 'two negatives make a positive' through investigation based teaching. <br /> <br /> Animation means arrows move around as necessary.
Set up and Solve Linear EquationsQuick View

Set up and Solve Linear Equations

Created for Year 8 Lower Ability Set. First time they have seen solving equations. Students need an understanding of algebraic notation before this lesson. <br /> <br /> Full lesson included textbook work, which I cannot publish, but this includes the pedagogy and teaching of understanding the equals sign, without scales; using this to understand solving and manipulating both sides of an equation. <br /> <br /> Cut and stick task helps to develop working out, shows step-by-step processes for both one and two step equations.
Linear SequencesQuick View

Linear Sequences

Created for a Lower Ability Set.<br /> <br /> Lesson is split into 2 power points. Both overlap for recap purposes. <br /> Exit Test included.<br /> <br /> Lesson relates sequences to graphs so the transition is easy.<br /> <br /> Relates 2n to 2x tables etc for understanding.