Only Connect quiz
<p>This was a quiz developed for a team day at work based on BBC’s Only Connect. I actually used one of the templates from TES as a starting point so can’t take all of the credit.</p>
<p>There are clickable hyperlinks throughout but the timer doesn’t work perfectly - you need to click twice for it to start!</p>
<p>The last few slides are examples I added but didn’t end up using for the final version. These additional questions can then be swapped into the main quiz.</p>
<p>It will be relatively simple to amend the slides for different questions so hopefully someone will find it useful.</p>
<p>EDIT: 30/01/2015<br />
I’ve uploaded two new versions - one for Christmas and the same version but with the option of adding music.</p>
<p>The Christmas quiz is the more accurate version as I managed to make it more like the show itself.</p>
<p>For the music version, music would need to be added as the links will need to go to whatever music you wish to play.</p>