Year 4 persuasive advert- dragons R usQuick View

Year 4 persuasive advert- dragons R us

<p>Year 4 persuasive advert centred around<br /> rhetoric questions<br /> structure of a persuasive text<br /> persuasion<br /> debate<br /> alliteration</p> <p>Children will create an advert for their Dragon shop or Dragon shelter.</p> <p>Editing lesson at the end</p>
Cornish Folk Tales and Mousehole Cat- guided reading LKS2 unit or scheme of work.Quick View

Cornish Folk Tales and Mousehole Cat- guided reading LKS2 unit or scheme of work.

<p>Cornish folk tale unit which explores The Mousehole Cat and the magical world of Cornish folk tales.</p> <p>Please see The Miniature Mermaid of Zennor as another amazing book around Cornish folk tales ‘The Mermaid’s Chair’</p> <p>Supports teaching of traditional tales while covering recall, performance storytelling, prediction, traditional tales, comparison and contrasting and figuartive language.</p>
Beowulf writing unit of work LKS2Quick View

Beowulf writing unit of work LKS2

<p>Writing unit based on Beowulf to support Anglo-Saxon topic.</p> <p>Description and story writing.</p> <p>4 week unit of writing</p> <p>Differentiated by visual resources.</p> <p>LKS2</p>
Anglo- Saxons - 'what's the big idea' unit of work. LKS2Quick View

Anglo- Saxons - 'what's the big idea' unit of work. LKS2

<p>LKS2 Half term unit of work which includes historic enquiry, key skills and questioning all around a central ‘big idea’</p> <p>High quality lessons ready to download!</p> <p>Big idea: What effect did the Anglo-Saxon settlement have on the culture and History of Britain?</p> <p>All lessons aim to answer the big idea question with a case studya round Sutton Hoo</p>