Revision - Year 8 FrenchQuick View

Revision - Year 8 French

<p>This is a revision pack for a Year 8 French group.</p> <p>It covers the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Means of transport</li> <li>Time</li> <li>Parts of the body</li> <li>J’ai mal + à/à la/ à l’/ au/ aux</li> <li>Remedies + Doctor Advice</li> <li>Free time activities</li> <li>Excuses for not going out</li> <li>Daily routine (use of reflexive verbs)</li> <li>School</li> <li>Clothes and opinions</li> <li>Holidays</li> </ul> <p>There are a number of grammar activities, 2 reading comprehension activities, as well as translation to and from French.</p>
Year 7 Italian bookletQuick View

Year 7 Italian booklet

<p>This a booklet for independent work covering the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Greetings</li> <li>Numbers, days, months, dates</li> <li>Me, Myself and I</li> <li>Animals</li> <li>Personality</li> <li>Physical appearance</li> </ul> <p>It includes a number of activities such as translation, reading comprehension, sequencing activities, counting etc.</p>
La tecnologiaQuick View

La tecnologia

<p>This is a series of lessons on the topic of technology and the imperfect tense - Italian Key Stage 4.</p> <p>This includes:</p> <ul> <li>Power Point Presentation for 3 lessons.</li> <li>Differentiated reading comprehension worksheets (x2)</li> <li>Imprefect tense worksheet (differentiated)</li> <li>Differentiated worksheets on advantages and disadvantages of technology</li> </ul>
Year 8 - French Assessment + MarkschemeQuick View

Year 8 - French Assessment + Markscheme

<p>This a Year 8 French assessment covering the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Means of transport</li> <li>Time</li> <li>Parts of the body</li> <li>J’ai mal + à/à la/ à l’/ au/ aux</li> <li>Remedies + Doctor Advice</li> <li>Free time activities</li> <li>School</li> <li>Holidays</li> </ul> <p>Writing: Daily routine</p> <p>It also includes reading comprehension, picture description, translation to and from French (present, past, future tense) matching the exam requirements.</p> <p>There is a mark scheme too.</p>
French GCSE - Speaking  bookletQuick View

French GCSE - Speaking booklet

<p>This is a booklet designed to support GCSE students (both foundation and higher) with role plays and general conversation questions. It has a variety of role play examples and general questions for each module.</p>
Greek - English Speaking MatQuick View

Greek - English Speaking Mat

<p>This is a Greek speaking mat for English speakers. It includes a number of prompts in both languages such as giving opinions, expressing problems, classroom language and fillers. Very useful for encouraging learners to speak the target language in class</p>
Year 8 - Italian End of Year AssessmentQuick View

Year 8 - Italian End of Year Assessment

<p>This is an end of year assessment covering:</p> <ol> <li>Animals</li> <li>Classroom objects</li> <li>Time</li> <li>Family members</li> <li>Adjectival agreement</li> <li>Directions and places in town</li> <li>Grammar - Verbs essere, avere, fare, andare</li> <li>Translation</li> <li>Reading</li> <li>Writing</li> </ol>
The present Tense of regular verbsQuick View

The present Tense of regular verbs

<p>A power point presentation to teach the present tense of regular verbs to KS3 classes. By the end of the lesson students should be able to recognise and form the present tense of regular verbs in French. This includes: PPT, worksheet to go alongside the presentation and verb puzzle.<br /> All parts of the presentation could be easily adapted for other languages.</p>
Developing reading across all curriculum areasQuick View

Developing reading across all curriculum areas

<p>This is a presentation on how to develop reading across all curriculum areas. It could be delivered as part of a whole-school CPD with a literacy focus, suggesting strategies that could be applied in all departments.</p>
Le vacanze al mare e in montagnaQuick View

Le vacanze al mare e in montagna

<p>This is a lesson on the topic of holidays (by the sea and on the mountains). It includes differentiated reading comprehensions.</p>
The present tense of regular verbs ending in ωQuick View

The present tense of regular verbs ending in ω

<p>A power point presentation to teach the present tense of regular verbs to KS3 classes. By the end of the lesson students should be able to recognise and form the present tense of regular verbs in Greek.</p> <p>All parts of the presentation could be easily adapted for other languages.</p>
Future holidaysQuick View

Future holidays

<p>This a double lesson on the future tense on the topic of holidays - aimed at Key Stage 4 Italian. All resources are differentiated to meet the needs of every student. A number of group activities to engage and motivate students.</p> <p>This includes:</p> <ul> <li>PPT</li> <li>Reading comprehension</li> <li>Differentiate worksheet on future tense</li> <li>Model for writing which can be cut up to pieces according to ability in order to reorder the text</li> <li>Writing strip to help with structure and grammatical accuracy of essay</li> </ul>
Ma routineQuick View

Ma routine

<p>This is an introductory lesson to the topic - Je me prepare</p> <p>It introduces the vocabulary of reflexive verbs in a fun and engaging way.</p>
Future procheQuick View

Future proche

<p>This is double lesson on the future proche - aimed at a Year 10 French group. This pack includes a power point, a differentiated worksheet and a lesson plan.</p> <p>This is based on the TEEP cycle.</p>
Snakes and ladders game - Italian - TensesQuick View

Snakes and ladders game - Italian - Tenses

<p>This is board game aimed at verb conjugation.</p> <p>It can be adapted and used in different ways and for different year groups</p> <p>For example:</p> <ol> <li>use of colour coding to practise all tenses</li> <li>ignore colour coding and practise the conjugation of the verbs given in any tense you are learning</li> <li>ignore colour coding and subject and use it to practise the conjugation of vebs in the first person singlular<br /> etc.</li> </ol>
The tenses in ItalianQuick View

The tenses in Italian

<p>This is a lesson about the tenses in Italian - to consolidate their use and the conjugation . It is aimed at Key Stage 4 Italian.</p> <p>This includes:</p> <ul> <li>Power point presentation</li> <li>flashcards to be cut out and given to students</li> <li>snakes and ladders board game</li> <li>differntiated worksheet about tenses</li> <li>tense competition activity - reading - paragraphs to be cut out and put around the room, students need to work in groups and complete their grid</li> </ul>
Grammar bookletQuick View

Grammar booklet

<p>This is an Italian grammar booklet explaining the formation of each tense.</p>
Città o campagnaQuick View

Città o campagna

<p>This is a double lesson aimed at Key Stage 4 Italian. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of life in the city and the countryside. It includes two differentiated reading comprehensions which can be later used as models for students’ writing. There is grid to complete based on the reading comprehension to ensure secure understanding of tenses and linguistic devices. A writing mat is also included which can be used to support students structuring their work. Lastly a colour match activity to revise the imperfect tense.</p>


<p>A PPT on personality traits. Could be used with both Year 8s and 9s or as revision with Key Stage 4 groups.</p> <p>It includes a number of interactive activities (angry birds, beat the mouse, mini whiteboard translations) to practise positive and negative adjectives related to personality.</p> <p>Differentiated resources and homework.</p>
Family relationshipsQuick View

Family relationships

<p>A fully resourced lesson on family relationships. This lesson revises previously-learned vocabulary on relationships through an interactive class game and ends with a writing task and a peer assessment.</p> <p>It includes: a PPT presentation, a differentiated reading comprehension worksheet and a peer assessment template which can be used as it is or adapted to suit the needs of your group.</p>
Daily routineQuick View

Daily routine

<p>This is a series of PPT and a worksheet to introduce the actions of our daily routine in Greek. It includes a number of class games, translation on mini whiteboards, reading and writing activities.</p>