Film study: "Campeones" (Spanish resources)Quick View

Film study: "Campeones" (Spanish resources)

This booklet was created to study the Spanish film “Campeones”. It consists of several questions which will enable students to know the characters and learn vocabulary related to the film. The last activity asks students about their personal opinion of the film. It can be done as a Speaking activity. A booklet with the answers is also provided.
Expresiones idiomáticas en español (Spanish idioms).Quick View

Expresiones idiomáticas en español (Spanish idioms).

This pack contains two activities related to Spanish idioms and their meanings and equivalents in English. It has been designed for Advanced Spanish learners (AH or A-Level). There are two main tasks: the first one is a match-up activity with Spanish idioms, their meaning and their English equivalent. The second task consists of a fill-in-th-gaps exercise using the expressions from the match-up activuty. The corrections for both tasks are included.