GCSE quiz bookletQuick View

GCSE quiz booklet

<p>This resource has all knowledge based questions for the Edexcel syllabus Germany, Crime &amp; Punishment, American West and Elizabeth all in one place, with pictures to help students understand hard concepts. Parents are expected to quiz their child weekly on any unit and sign at the back of their booklet, to show the teacher. There are content pages for each unit for students to tick off once they have revised a specific unit. Students are tested beyond the content as there are also questions on how to structure answers, for the different style of questions on each paper.<br /> Ultimately, this resource was designed to help parents support their child with their revision. This can also be used for peer to peer support.</p>
Crime and Punishment essay plansQuick View

Crime and Punishment essay plans

<p>The following questions are planned within:</p> <ol> <li>Explain why William I decided to make changes to the Anglo-Saxon system of law and order (12)</li> <li>The Norman Conquest saw little change to law enforcement and punishment in England. How far do you agree? (16)</li> <li>Explain one difference between Anglo-Saxon policing and policing in the later Medieval period. (4)</li> <li>Explain why the Church hindered justice in the period c1000-c1500</li> <li>The role of the Church was the most important factor affecting law enforcement during the Middle Ages’ How far do you agree? (16)</li> <li>By the end of the Middle Ages the system of law and order had changed little since the beginning of the Middle Ages. How far do you agree? (16)</li> <li>Why did the government take vagabondage seriously? (12)</li> <li>Explain one way in which crimes in medieval England was similar to crimes in the 16th-17th C . (4)</li> <li>Matthew Hopkins was the main reason for an increase of witch hunts How far do you agree? (16)</li> <li>Explain why the government punished vagabonds harshly? (12)<br /> 11.The main purpose of punishment during the period c1000 - c1700 (medieval period and Early Modern) was to deter people from committing crimes.’ How far do you agree? (16)<br /> 12.Explain one way in which punishments in medieval England was different to punishments in the 17th C . (4)</li> <li>Prison reformers were the most important reason for changes to Prisons. How far do you agree with this statement. (16)</li> <li>Why was there so much change to prisons during the period 1700-1900</li> <li>The industrial revolution was the most important reason for changes to crime, punishment and law enforcement. How far do you agree? (16)</li> <li>Explain why there were changes to policing between 1700-1900(12)</li> <li>Explain Why prisons changed in the 20th C? (12)</li> <li>Types of crimes have not changed since the beginning of the 19th century, only the methods used to commit them.’How far do you agree? (16)</li> </ol>
How to follow up a source for WhitechapelQuick View

How to follow up a source for Whitechapel

<p>This guide helps students to select relevant sources for the Whitechapel unit in relation to a specific enquiry, and the guide explains to students how the source can help for the specific enquiry.</p>
Black British History Through TimeQuick View

Black British History Through Time

<p>The booklet can be completed at home or once a week during form time so that the celebration of Black History Month is sustained throughout the month, beyond an assembly.</p>