Bitmap activity where students colour a design on the top grid using the 4-bit colour chart provided, the reproduce the same image in the grid below by filling in the pixels with the relevant bits
Lesson resources for a small Scratch project creating a virtual pet. Perfect for a first programming project for KS2-KS3.<br />
Included: <br />
Labelling Scratch interface starter<br />
Scratch Virtual Pet file as working example<br />
Virtual Pet Plan for students to fill out before beginning programming<br />
Guide for finding image sprites and how to remove backgrounds<br />
Virtual Pet guide
File sizes lesson explaining bits, bytes, and greater file sizes<br />
Sheet for students to complete by researching/calculating different file sizes in order (answer sheet also provided)
Lesson resource of homework designed for students to write algorithms for how to travel between 2 tube stations.<br />
This will teach the students:<br />
- the importance of thinking step-by-step<br />
- the importance of specificity of instructions (what direction to travel on which line and for how many stops)<br />
- that multiple solutions can be applied to on problem, but that some may be more efficient than others