Deforestation for SEN, Primary, Early YearsQuick View

Deforestation for SEN, Primary, Early Years

<p>Deforestation suitable for SEN, Primary, Early Years, Reception and Preschoolers. No prep required.<br /> Worksheets: what is deforestation? (students match pictures to before, during and after).<br /> why deforestation occurs (students cut and stick to show which are natural disasters and which are human causes of deforestation).<br /> where is deforestation happening (map showing where forests were, and what is left- students label named areas).<br /> how it happens (students cut and stick to show areas of deforestation caused by slash and burn or clear cutting).<br /> impact on different areas (students match terms and descriptions).<br /> reducing deforestation (students select from a choice, and are encouraged to come up with their own examples).<br /> Revision/ Test- contains a question from each area to check understanding and to revise the topic. Choice of answers for some questions, while others need a bullet point or sentence to be written (lower abilities may need a scribe for this).</p>
Comprehension for early years and SEN-1st in seriesQuick View

Comprehension for early years and SEN-1st in series

Suitable for Pre schoolers, Reception and SEN.<br /> 12 worksheets. Can be used for all abilities. 4 different comprehension worksheets for each ability.<br /> Lower abilities- choice of 4 answers for each question (talk about, find, cut and stick).<br /> Middle abilities- children talk about the answer, then can stick the correct answer for each question, or use the choices to copy spellings. There are already lines in place for them to practise writing on a line, and the start of the sentence is already in place to get them used to modelling sentences and using capital letters.<br /> Higher abilities- they should be encouraged to write full sentences and expand their sentences to include as much detail as possible. Lines already in place to enable them to practise writing on a line.
Comprehension for SEN and early years- 3rd in series.Quick View

Comprehension for SEN and early years- 3rd in series.

Suitable for Pre schoolers, Early years, Reception and SEN. Includes a total of 12 pages.<br /> 4 comprehension worksheets (each worksheet is differentiated for different abilities).<br /> Lower abilities- choice of 4 answers to find, cut out and stick.<br /> Middle abilities- choice of 4 answers. Start of sentences are modelled and lines are already in place for students to practise writing on the line.<br /> Higher abilities- lines are in place to allow students to write on the line. Students should be encouraged to independently write full sentences.
Comprehension for SEN and early years -2nd setQuick View

Comprehension for SEN and early years -2nd set

Suitable for Pre schoolers, Reception and SEN. <br /> 12 worksheets (4 for each ability level).<br /> Can be used for all abilities. Includes choice of answers for lower and middle abilities.<br /> Lower abilities- choice of 4 answers for each question to find, cut out and stick after discussing what they can see.<br /> Middle abilities- children answer, then can stick the correct answer for each question, or use the choices to copy spellings. The start of the sentence is already typed to model the start of a sentence and the use of capital letters. Lines are also present for practising writing on the line.<br /> Higher abilities- they should be encouraged to write full sentences and expand their sentences to include as much detail as possible. Again lines are already in place to allow children to practise writing on the line.
Literacy 1st Set Nursery Rhymes Comprehension for SEN, Early Years, Primary, Reception, PreschoolersQuick View

Literacy 1st Set Nursery Rhymes Comprehension for SEN, Early Years, Primary, Reception, Preschoolers

<p>6 Nursery Rhymes for Comprehension- Humpty Dumpty, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Hey Diddle Diddle, Itsy-bitsy Spider, The Grand Old Duke of York and Row Row Row Your Boat.<br /> Use the ‘storyboard’ worksheets to say the nursery rhyme, encouraging students to repeat it after you, see if they can recite it back to you after hearing it a couple of times (often students help each other out, seeing who can say it loudest). All students can cut out the 4 pictures for each ‘storyboard’ and arrange them in the correct order.<br /> There are then18 worksheets for comprehension<br /> 6 for lower abilities where they can circle/point/say the correct answer from a choice of 3.<br /> 6 for middle abilities where they can copy the correct answer after choosing from a choice of 3.<br /> 6 for higher abilities where they should be encouraged to answer questions in full sentences.<br /> Extension work- get students to ask/ write other questions about the nursery rhyme.<br /> See if they can draw their own pictures.<br /> See if they can create or recite their own nursery rhyme and illustrate it in 4 pictures.</p>
Time, written problems 24 hour clock SEN, Primary, Secondary.Quick View

Time, written problems 24 hour clock SEN, Primary, Secondary.

<p>Suitable for SEN, Primary and Secondary school students.<br /> 10 worksheets with written time problems using the 24 hour clock.<br /> Students are given an example of a question, the answer and the sum needed to work out the answer. Students are reminded to show their workings.<br /> Each worksheet has 4 questions, giving 40 written time problems in total.</p>
Science (float or sink) for SEN, Reception and Early YearsQuick View

Science (float or sink) for SEN, Reception and Early Years

<p>3 worksheets for Sink or Float. Also includes an extension worksheet for higher abilities to find and use own items.<br /> Allows children to predict if they think an item will sink or float. When given the items and a see through bowl filled with water they can then place the item in and observe for themselves if the item sinks or floats, enabling them to discover if they were right or wrong in their predictions.<br /> A great activity for all abilities with 3 worksheets to demonstrate the children’s understanding and learning.<br /> Includes pictures of items to experiment with, and pictures for float or sink,</p>
Comprehension for SEN and early yearsQuick View

Comprehension for SEN and early years

4 Resources
A total of 50 comprehension worksheets (24 differentiated worksheets for 6 nursery rhymes and 36 differentiated comprehension worksheets for photos).<br /> In the 36 photo worksheets:<br /> 12 for lower abilities- find, cut and stick from a choice of 4 answers.<br /> 12 for middle abilities- find, copy and extend. The start of sentences are modelled and lines are already in place to practise writing on the line.<br /> 12 for higher abilities- students should be encouraged to write full sentences independently. Lines are in place for practising writing on the line.<br /> The 6 Nursery Rhymes are: The Grand Old Duke of York, Row Row Row your Boat, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Humpty Dumpty, Itsy-bitsy Spider and Hey Diddle Diddle. <br /> There are 6 storyboards for all students to order events from the rhyme, then 6 worksheets for lower abilities- choosing an answer from a choice of 3 and circle/point/say the correct answer.<br /> 6 worksheets for middle abilities- choosing a correct answer from a choice of 3, then copying the answer, practicing handwriting on the lines.<br /> 6 worksheets for higher abilities to practice their handwriting, writing in full sentences and using capital letters and full stops. <br /> For extension work- ask students to create their own questions, illustrate a rhyme themselves, recite a rhyme or create and illustrate one of their own.
Numeracy- 2D shapes, their properties and matching descriptions.Quick View

Numeracy- 2D shapes, their properties and matching descriptions.

Suitable for Pre schoolers, Reception and SEN.<br /> This includes 2 worksheets and a matching activity (needs cutting out and laminating to be used over and over again- includes 6 shapes, descriptions and names that need to be matched together). Adapt for lower or higher abilities.<br /> <br /> Lower abilities- the first worksheets just has 4 shapes: Triangle, Rectangle, Circle and Square. The children need to match the shape name with the description, then match to the correct shape image.<br /> Middle and Higher abilities- the second worksheet contains 6 shapes: Pentagon, Rectangle, Triangle, Square, Circle and Hexagon.
3rd set Descriptive Writing for SEN, Early Years, ESOL, Primary.Quick View

3rd set Descriptive Writing for SEN, Early Years, ESOL, Primary.

<p>Differentiated worksheets suitable for SEN, Early Years, ESOL and Primary students for encouraging the use of descriptive writing.<br /> 12 worksheets in total. 3rd set of descriptive writing.<br /> Lower ability- 3 worksheets to cut out words, order in to own sentences then glue.<br /> Middle ability- 3 worksheets to write own sentences (word prompts included on separate page).<br /> Higher ability- 3 worksheets to create and write own sentences. Only prompts are:<br /> remember to include size/colour/where they are/how they feel/what they are thinking.<br /> Encourage the use of dictionaries/thesaurus. Students can then type up their work on the computer, or find and describe their own pictures using ICT.<br /> Extension work- ask the students to use ‘because’ in their work to expand their sentences. The dogs look happy because… they have just eaten… they are enjoying playing with the stick…it is enjoying the game of chase as it is winning… they are glad to be playing in the water.</p>
1st set Descriptive writing literacy SEN, Early Years, PrimaryQuick View

1st set Descriptive writing literacy SEN, Early Years, Primary

<p>Differentiated worksheets suitable for SEN, Early Years and Primary for descriptive writing.<br /> 12 worksheets in total.<br /> Lower ability- 3 worksheets to cut out words, order in to own sentences then glue.<br /> Middle ability- 3 worksheets to write own sentences (word prompts included on separate page).<br /> Higher ability- 3 worksheets to create and write own sentences. Only prompts are:<br /> remember to include size/colour/where they are/how they feel/what they are thinking.<br /> Encourage the use of dictionaries/thesaurus. Students can then type up their work on the computer, or find and describe their own pictures using ICT.</p>
Weighing standard and non standard SEN, Early Years and PrimaryQuick View

Weighing standard and non standard SEN, Early Years and Primary

<p>Weighing using standard and non standard measurements. 24 activity worksheets.<br /> Identifying which object is heaviest and lightest from a choice of 2 after weighing them using cubes, counters (non standard) or grams (standard).<br /> Suitable for SEN, Early Years, Primary, Preschoolers. 24 worksheets in total (18 suitable for lower abilities, 12 for middle and 18 suitable for higher abilities). As an extension higher ability pupils should be challenged to make their own worksheet - what objects will they choose and can they estimate which will be heaviest and lightest, then weigh the objects and check if their estimate was correct?<br /> 18 worksheets for lower abilities- 6 for identifying which is heavier and lighter (using balancing scales place one of the objects one side and the other object at the opposite side of the scales, then see which side moves down showing the heaviest object).<br /> 12 worksheets for lower and middle abilities to use balancing scales to compare 2 everyday items, then use photos to cut out, stick and glue, or if able to write they can write their answer in the correct column (non standard).<br /> 6 worksheets for higher abilities to use scales to weigh and record the weight of objects in grams, then to identify which one was heaviest and which was lightest (standard). They can also use the 12 worksheets using counters and cubes to weigh the objects. To make it harder get them to estimate the number first, before checking how close they were.</p>
Alphabet and phonics A to Z For SEN, Early Years.Quick View

Alphabet and phonics A to Z For SEN, Early Years.

<p>Set of A- Z worksheets. Suitable for SEN, Early Years, Primary, Reception, Preschoolers.<br /> Use for learning the alphabet, as part of phonics, speaking, listening and writing, matching, practice handwriting and these are ideal for differentiation activities without any extra preparation.<br /> Lower abilities-cut out, match the correct pictures to the letter and stick on the worksheet.<br /> Middle abilities- match correct pictures to the letter, match the words to the pictures, cut out and stick on the worksheet.<br /> Higher abilities- match correct pictures to the letter, cut out and stick on the worksheet, then write the correct label under the picture to practice handwriting.</p>
2D shape bingo- shape pictures and namesQuick View

2D shape bingo- shape pictures and names

Suitable for Pre schoolers, Reception and SEN.<br /> Good for recognising, matching, and naming the basic 2D shapes.<br /> 2D shape bingo- 4 bingo cards for lower abilities (square, rectangle, triangle and circle.<br /> 4 bingo cards for middle/higher abilities (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, pentagon and hexagon).<br /> Shapes to cover the called shapes for lower and middle abilities. <br /> Names of the shapes for higher abilities to cover the called shapes.
2D shapes and properties- naming, number of corners, sides, straight and curved sides.Quick View

2D shapes and properties- naming, number of corners, sides, straight and curved sides.

<p>2D shape properties suitable for SEN, Early Years, Primary, Preschoolers, Reception.<br /> 15 worksheets suitable for all abilities.<br /> Use 5 worksheets for lower abilities- looking at Triangle, Rectangle, Circle and Square. Naming shapes, number of sides, edges, straight and curved sides.<br /> 5 worksheets for middle and higher abilities- looking at Triangle, Rectangle, Circle, Square, Pentagon and Hexagon. Naming shapes, number of sides, edges, straight and curved sides.<br /> 5 extension worksheets for middle and higher abilities- looking at Oval, Heptagon, Parallelogram, Semicircle, Trapezoid and Octagon. Naming shapes, number of sides, edges, straight and curved sides.</p>
Big and small worksheetsQuick View

Big and small worksheets

Suitable for Pre schoolers, Reception and SEN.<br /> 8 worksheets for comparing and selecting either big or small.<br /> 3 worksheets for finding the biggest image.<br /> 3 worksheets for finding the smallest image.<br /> 2 worksheets for finding the smallest or biggest images.
Plurals for SEN, Early Years, Primary, PreschoolersQuick View

Plurals for SEN, Early Years, Primary, Preschoolers

<p>Differentiated worksheets for SEN, Early Years, Primary, Preschoolers.<br /> Set of 9 worksheets and a matching activity of 30 photos (matching singular and plural photos to singular and plural words).<br /> 3 worksheets for lower abilities- identifying and ordering photos in to single and plurals.<br /> Cut out the 12 photos, gluing them in the correct column. Suitable for prewriting students.<br /> 3 worksheets for middle abilities-practice handwriting by overwriting (tracing words on top of the yellow font).<br /> 3 worksheets for higher abilities- practice handwriting by copying the labels, adding ‘s’ or ‘ves’ where appropriate.</p>
Science magnetic or not magnetic for SEN, Reception and Early years.Quick View

Science magnetic or not magnetic for SEN, Reception and Early years.

<p>3 worksheets for Science to discover magnetic and not magnetic items, plus 2 extension.<br /> Great to reinforce learning, use prediction and observation to record children’s understanding and learning. Includes a fourth worksheet for higher ability level students to record findings by answering some simple questions, recapping their observations, and a blank worksheet for students to select their own items to predict and check.<br /> Uses photographic items and clear pictures for items that are magnetic or not magnetic to enable easy recording.<br /> Get students to cut out and stick items, then record if they think it will be magnetic or not magnetic. Give them the items and a magnet and allow them to explore if their predictions were correct.<br /> For higher level students- encourage them to identify more obscure items, then predict if it will be magnetic or not magnetic, then allow them to discover if they were correct.</p>
Spelling CVC, CCVC and CVCC words SEN, Primary and Early YearsQuick View

Spelling CVC, CCVC and CVCC words SEN, Primary and Early Years

<p>Suitable for SEN, Early Years, Preschoolers and Primary.<br /> 14 worksheets to check spelling of CVC, CCVC and CVCC words.<br /> (CVC- Consonant, Vowel, Consonant, eg. cat, mat, hat.<br /> CCVC- Consonant, Consonant, Vowel and Consonant, eg. shop, chop, chip.<br /> CVCC- Consonant, Vowel, Consonant, Consonant, eg. sell, fell, bell).</p> <p>CVC words- 6 worksheets, each with 6 pictures (36 pictures in total). Suitable for lower ability. Letters can be written, or there are letters to cut and stick.</p> <p>CCVC words- 4 worksheets, each with 6 pictures (24 pictures in total). Suitable for all abilities. Letters can be written, or there are letters to cut and stick.</p> <p>CVCC words- 4 worksheets, each with 6 pictures (24 pictures in total). Suitable for all abilities. Letters can be written, or there are letters to cut and stick.</p>
Writing sentences- Primary, Early Years, SEN, Reception.Quick View

Writing sentences- Primary, Early Years, SEN, Reception.

<p>Suitable for Primary, Early Years, SEN and Reception.<br /> 4 worksheets for lower and middle abilities. Includes words that can be copied or cut out and stuck.<br /> 4 worksheets for higher abilities. Includes lines for students to show that they can write on a line. Words can be copied or cut out and stuck to create 2 sentences for each picture.</p> <ul> <li>To enable students to group letters and leave spaces as though writing separate words.</li> <li>to show an understanding of how text is arranged on the page (e.g. writing from left to right).</li> <li>to enable students to show a basic understanding of capitals and basic punctuation (full stops and commas).</li> </ul>