History/Geography/Humanities Subject Leader ResourcesQuick View

History/Geography/Humanities Subject Leader Resources

<p>These are mission statements (Intent, implementation, impact), policies and skill progression documents I used in my previous school for History and Geography for EYFS-6.<br /> I have also included the year long enquiry questions for each year for Humanities as a whole.<br /> I wrote these myself for my specific school but they can be edited to fit in with your own school’s geography and history curriculum and might be a good starting point for someone new to the role of humanities subject lead.<br /> These resources are no longer used in my previous school but the name of the school would need to be edited on the policies.</p>
Daily Maths QuestionsQuick View

Daily Maths Questions

<p>Daily Maths Questions suitable for year 2/3<br /> I created these powerpoints over the course of a year for some low ability children in my year 4 class so they are more suitable for year 2/3 children. The questions repeat a fair bit over the course of the weeks as the children these were designed for needed a lot of repetitive reenforcement but the questions can of course be edited to suit your children. (the date at the top of each would need to be edited also)<br /> There are 25 weeks worth of questions included here and they cover place value, addition, subtraction, 2s, 5s and 10 times tables and some basic fractions</p>
Daily Maths QuestionsQuick View

Daily Maths Questions

<p>Daily Maths questions for Year 4.<br /> Created these Powerpoints over the course of a year. One for each week of the school year up until around week 25. (some may only have 4 or 3 slides on that powerpoint if i had a short week and not entirely sure where the rest of the year’s presentations have gone) The number of questions increase and get progressively more challenging as you go through the year but all can be edited to suit. You would also have to update the date on each slide. They follow the general structure of the WhiteRose scheme (eg fractions questions will start appearing more frequently from about the 12/14th week)<br /> These are aimed at children working at year 4 level and there is also a challenge ‘Countdown’ style question on each slide.</p>