Quick ViewhamiltoncloggsElectrical symbol, labels and definitions (0)Starter or plenary exercise that tasks students to match electrical symbols with the correct label and description.
Quick Viewhamiltoncloggsgenes and genetics revision quiz (0)KS3 (year 9), <br /> KS4<br /> Content:<br /> Quiz loosely based around Oxford year 9 SoL for B3 new technology. Four questions per chapter covering:<br /> Genetics<br /> Inherited disorders<br /> Variation<br /> Selective breeding <br /> Genetic engineering<br /> Cloning <br /> Biotechnology<br /> Enzymes
Quick ViewhamiltoncloggsAcids and alkalis (0)work sheet to explain what pH measures and to link to:<br /> the colour changes observed for universal indicator;<br /> hazard symbols;<br /> examples at home and in the laboratory.<br /> <br /> Includes answers (not shown in image)
Quick ViewhamiltoncloggsEvidence for evolution (0)<p>presentation describing simply the main pieces of evidence for evolution.</p>