This lesson goes with the book by David J Smith and Shelagh Armstrong. It is a powerpoint I made linked to an activity from NRICH. It help children to think about ways of presenting data - using their own choices. You can then compare presentations and discuss the most effective. Each group could take a different set of data from the book - food, religions, languages etc. Older children could present the information using a variety of graphs/charts. Good opportunity for ICT links too.
A fun lesson for children to get them thinking creatively. I adpated this from another resource I found on this site. The idea is for children to warn fairy tale characters against making obvious mistakes. MA children will be able to write more humorous sentences. Green = top red = less able.
<p>A couple of powerpoints and a planning sheet. Can be adapted. Story (one day there) or diary entry focusing more on features. Could take further and plan a (virtual) class trip to the rainforest!</p>
I did this with a Year 4 class but could be adapted and made more challenging for other year groups.
The Egyptian area worksheet is made by someone else - I probably got it from the TES. I used parts of it in the powerpoint.
This was a really interesting series of lessons. Based on people coming to Britain on the Windrush - how they felt before they left and what it was liked when they arrived.
Bright, colourful worksheet with pictures. I made it to put a new spin on the 'targets for the year&' sheet which we often do with our new classes on the first day back. This is aimed at Y3, but could be used for upper KS1 or adapted for older children.
Children are encouraged to think about how, in the year to come, they will be:
*busy like a bee
*wise like an owl
*quick like a cheetah
*proud of their strengths (fox!)
*a good friend (puppy)
Hope it&';s useful!
<p>An end of topic lesson used with All Living Things. Insect enlargement in groups. I prepared A3 sheets which were already divided up for each group. A fun activity - gives a variety of results!</p>