KS3 Art Progress Star
<p>An easy way to show progress throughout the year.</p>
<p>Students fill in the star at the start of the year with their confidence levels in 5 elements:</p>
<li>I feel confident to talk about artists work</li>
<li>I think I can develop interesting, personal outcomes</li>
<li>I feel confident in my technical abilities in Art</li>
<li>I think I can present my work in a creative way</li>
<li>I enjoy art as a subject.</li>
<p>At the end of the year, they return to the same star and fill it in again in a different colour.</p>
<p>Takes 5 mins twice in a year.</p>
<p>Ideal for building students confidence, and a quick way to evidence progress to management/ inspectors etc.</p>
<p>Please consider leaving a review if you like this download :)</p>