2D Design Isometric DrawingQuick View

2D Design Isometric Drawing

<p>This tutorial will introduce the use of the Isometric Grid to create effect 3D drawings. It will also explore the basics of Fill and Line thickness to achieve better looking drawings. The resource as been developed to be accessible by all students including those with SEN.</p>
GCSE Design and Technology Coursework TemplateQuick View

GCSE Design and Technology Coursework Template

This template as been developed to best match the new requirements of the GCSE Design and Technology specification, starting in 2017. It includes a coursework tracking sheet to help maintain good progress during the process of completing a good quality outcome. Each page it designed to guide the pupils to produce a concise portfolio which cover the marking criteria.
Introductory Exercise on how to use SolidWorksQuick View

Introductory Exercise on how to use SolidWorks

I have designed this instructional power point to be very visual in how it leads the pupil through the beginning stages of Solidworks. This exercises will allow the pupil to develop the basic skills needed to create a 3D object.
2D Design Tutorial 'Clock Face'Quick View

2D Design Tutorial 'Clock Face'

<p>This a beginners tutorial to help you become familiar with some of the features within 2D Design. This will also work well as a CAD element to any Key Stage 3 ‘Clock Project’. Using this tutorial as an introductory exercise will allow pupils to easily customise their clock faces. The resource as been developed to be accessible by all students including those with SEN.</p>
2 D Design Tutorial 'Logo'Quick View

2 D Design Tutorial 'Logo'

<p>This tutorial will allow pupils to customise text and create a simple logo. This tutorial could form the CAD element of a ‘Corporate Identity’ D&amp;M. The resource as been developed to be accessible by all students including those with SEN</p>
Mobile Phone Case exerciseQuick View

Mobile Phone Case exercise

The exercise will show the pupils how to design a Mobile Phone case. The sizes can easily be tailored to match most modern phone and then allows for an easy link to 3D Printing.
2D Design V2 PackageQuick View

2D Design V2 Package

I have put together all three exercise into one easy to teach package. These exercises will give the pupils the skills they need to start designing with 2D Design. I am currently using this to introduce year 9 pupils to 2D Design and then to move on to designing a Phone Holder for laser cutting in Acrylic. The resource as been developed to be accessible by all students including those with SEN
Key Stage 3 Rocket Car ProjectQuick View

Key Stage 3 Rocket Car Project

This project is an evolution of the Co2 powered car project. Using a compress air cylinder, (available from a well know technology supply company), a vacuum former (moulds are available for the same supplier) and if you have one a injection moulding machine that makes the wheels. I have developed a safe in the classroom project. It takes the year 7 pupils through Health and Safety, Team Work, Designing and Plastic forming in a way they find very engaging. I did develop my own body shell mould for this project in an approximation of an F1 car,
Solidworks RenderingQuick View

Solidworks Rendering

An introductory exercise to give the pupils a start on how to render their designs in Solidworks. This does have the wow factor especially when they compare their final rendering to other software packages.
An exercise in creating object on surfaces.Quick View

An exercise in creating object on surfaces.

This exercise was develope to allow the pupils to experience how to add detail to the surfaces of simple objects. This is a very useful exercise for the pupils to base the addition of buttons, etc. to their designs.
Anthropometrics and Ergonomics LessonQuick View

Anthropometrics and Ergonomics Lesson

<p>This lesson as been designed to be used as either an introduction to Anthropometrics and Ergonomics or a revision lesson. The lesson includes the following activities a knowledge organiser to help retain key information such as definitions, a data gathering exercise and a product evaluation with a focus on Ergonomics and Anthropometrics. The lesson the requires a selection of products that have been designed using Anthropometrics and ergonomics. I find game controllers work well here. Also included in the resources are some differentiated assist sheets and guides.</p>
Final Product EvaluationQuick View

Final Product Evaluation

These tasks I have used to encourage my GCSE pupils to produce a better end of project response to the Testing and Evaluation criteria as part of the Design and Make activity. It has been my experience that once the pupils a have completed the making of their final article their enthusiasm for further written work, specifically the concluding section is some-what diminished. This is when a more structured approach is needed. I have used this approach successfully for the last two years.
STEM in the News LessonQuick View

STEM in the News Lesson

<p>This lesson as been designed to be used as an introduction to STEM. The lesson is based around the 2018 Winter Paralympics. The lesson encourages the pupils to look for STEM in the world in general and encourages them to use STEM to design new products. This lesson could also be used to highlight the social responsibility of designers to develop product to aide disabled people achieve a better quality of lifestyle.</p>
An introduction to Polymers lessonQuick View

An introduction to Polymers lesson

<p>This lesson as been design to be used as either an introduction to polymers or as a revision lesson. The lesson includes two insightful and informative videos and using a knowledge organiser to help the pupils retain the information. I have included all resources needed to run the lesson including the royalty free videos with are part of the powerpoint. Also included is the blank knowledge organiser for the pupils to complete during the lesson.</p>