Quick ViewShmeel21Mon petit boulot (0)<p>Vocabulary for oral practise in past tense describing work experience in transition year/ part time jobs</p>
Quick ViewShmeel21Grammer Revision - Junior Cert (0)<p>Excercises to practise present tense, passé composé, reflexive verbs, l’imparfait, le futur, irregular adjectives and negatives</p>
Quick ViewShmeel21Mixed Grammar Revision Excercises - Junior Cert (0)<p>le présent, le passé composé, l’imparfait, le futur simple</p>
Quick ViewShmeel21Passé Composé Reflexive Verbs (0)<p>explanation and exercises to practise reflexive verbs in the passé composé and positioning or pronouns and verbs</p>
Quick ViewShmeel21Oral Resource for the topic of La France (0)<p>Vocabulary and sample questions and answers on La France</p>