<p>Practical assessment grid for easy use in lessons or assessment of students. All of the details condensed to one page for the specific sports which can be double sided with the generic team grid.</p>
<p>Practical assessment grid for easy use in lessons or assessment of students. All of the details condensed to one page for the specific sports which can be double sided with the generic team grid.</p>
<p>Practical assessment grid for easy use in lessons or assessment of students. All of the details condensed to one page for the specific sports which can be double sided with the generic team grid.</p>
<p>Separate grid for Athletics throw, jump and runs</p>
<p>Practical assessment grid for easy use in lessons or assessment of students. All of the details condensed to one page for the specific sports.</p>
<p>20 sports included</p>
<p>A selection of resources used to help students with preparing for their PEP coursework.</p>
<li>Case study - to work through questions of how to analyse performance data.</li>
<li>Mini-PEP booklet - Planning and analysis of a 3 week training programme (used for pre-GCSE students in year 9)</li>
<li>Key info booklet - fitness test data and planning the practical sessions</li>
<p>Booklet to work through with students for the physical training unit. There are starters, tasks, activities and exam style questions.</p>
<p>3 versions:<br />
Teachers copy - with answers<br />
Student - main copy<br />
Student - low ability</p>
<p>All of the resources that you need for your students to plan their own fitness unit.</p>
<p>Included is a planning booklet divided into background information, easy to follow steps for planning a great session, additional ideas of activities to complete. There is a section for students to monitor their activity/effort levels during the sessions, and an example of how to complete the session plan. Accompanying the planning booklet is a workbook for students to complete their own sessions individually or as a group. There is also student outcomes sheet for teachers to monitor effort and engagement in each lesson.</p>
<p>We found the students responded well to planning their own sessions and were very motivated and engaged in the fitness sessions.</p>
<p>Documents are saved as word so you can make amendments to groups/years etc.</p>