<p>After teaching GCSE AQA Christian beliefs and teachings i get my students to complete the attached sheets as an opportunity to consolidate and repair learning prior to end of unit assessments. This is as a homework or form time activity.<br />
The benefits of this is each student has had the opportunity to recap each specification point immediately after teaching, consolidating learning immediately and prior to assessments.</p>
<code>I also have them on here for the Practices section - just search my name</code>
<p>I have created a work booklet for my GCSE classes focused on helping to develop their baseline knowledge of most of the parables of Jesus. This is to enable greater depth to our class learning and discussions during the themed units. This will be a four week homework project for my class or an activity booklet completed over a term in form time/the first ten minutes of each lesson.</p>
<p>I have included below the contents page to show what parables are included.</p>
<li>Parable of the…</li>
<li>Mustard Seed/ Yeast/ Hidden Treasure/ Fishing Net</li>
<li>Unmerciful servant</li>
<li>Workers in the vineyard</li>
<li>Two sons/ Tenants/ Wedding Feast</li>
<li>Ten young virgins</li>
<li>Wise and foolish builders</li>
<li>Good Samaritan</li>
<li>Rich Fool</li>
<li>Lost Sheep</li>
<li>Lost Son</li>
<li>Sheep and Goats - Final Judgment<br />
Overview sheet</li>
<p>Created using a range of resources for OCR A Level RS. For each potential questions students map out a plan for the question, recording down philosophers/scholars to mention, key terms, analogies, illustrations and examples to includes, arguments for and against the question and the planned conclusion.</p>
<p>Hope you find them useful.</p>
<p>The attached word documents contain 7 multiple choice knowledge check quizzes for Life in Modern Britain AQA GCSE specification.</p>
<p>The following spec points are tested:</p>
<p>• The key principles and values underpinning British society today.<br />
• The human, moral, legal and political rights and the duties, equalities and freedoms of citizens.<br />
• Key factors that create individual, group, national and global identities.<br />
• The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is comprised of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The impact of this on identity debates.<br />
• Changes and movement of population over time: the impact on different communities in the UK; the nature of immigration and migration to and from the UK.<br />
• The need for mutual respect and understanding in a diverse society and the values that underpin democratic society.<br />
• Identity and multiple identities; the diverse nature of the UK population.</p>
<p>**The resource includes answers and a duplication link to make the quiz a digital quiz on MS Forms.<br />
<p>**This is a comprehensive information and work book on the following specification points. **</p>
<p>I have included my answer booklet.</p>
<p><strong>What are the principles and values that underpin British society?</strong><br />
• The key principles and values underpinning British society today.[2]<br />
• The human, moral, legal and political rights and the duties, equalities and freedoms of citizens. [6]<br />
• Key factors that create individual, group, national and global identities. [9]<br />
**<br />
What do we mean by identity?**<br />
• The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is comprised of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The impact of this on identity debates. [18]<br />
• Changes and movement of population over time: the impact on different communities in the UK; the nature of immigration and migration to and from the UK. [22]<br />
• The need for mutual respect and understanding in a diverse society and the values that underpin democratic society. [25]<br />
• Identity and multiple identities; the diverse nature of the UK population. [27]</p>
<p>This is set as a core activity to consolidate class learning and to promote high levels of independence within and outside of the classroom.</p>
<p>Sometimes I;<br />
Assertively monitor completion,<br />
Show call a students answer<br />
Model for the students a response<br />
Add the activity to a ppt to facilitate independent learning.<br />
Set a task as homework.</p>
<p>Through this book all students have covered the first two main sections of the Life in Modern Britain unit. I have left it as a word document so you are able to edit, use sections in your own lesson, add to your own resource.</p>
<p>**I have also uploaded a series of 10 question quizzes on the same specification points along with the MS Form link for you to duplicate a digital copy yourself. They would complement this booklet or your lessons. **</p>
An essay template sheet to use when completing essay writing in A Level RS. Students make notes int he boxes available either as an individual or as a group.<br />
<br />
Then students can then complete an essay independently.
<p>This work book was created for students to complete whilst studying Crime and Punishment in the RS classroom, reducing the teacher time down. In my class students complete the booklet as a homework but it is effectively 18 work sheets that would support teaching in the classroom if you wanted to use the booklet in the classroom or as a resource one sheet at a time. It also have some exam practice questions at the back and a spelling sheet for key terms.<br />
I have also attached the consolidation knowledge mat we complete in our final lesson before end of unit assessment.</p>
<p>THIS BOOKLET WOULD BE REALLY USEFUL FOR NON SPECIALISTS AND FOR QUICK TEACHING. I only have 1 hour per week to teach GCSE so booklet covers most of AQA Spec.</p>
<p>After teaching a section of the specification I ask students to complete the attached worksheets as a review of learning. They are not intended to be the first look at a topic but a way of independently learning afterwards.</p>
<p>My classes like them. They cover the whole of practices in Christianity.</p>
<p>**The attached is a series of 15 minute form time activities providing advice and guidance on how to revise. This is delivered to Y11 via their tutors at the start of the year as part of a revision focused tutor program. **</p>
<p>This is a complete pack of 5 x 15 minute workshops and handouts that is useful to launch around 5 weeks before Mock exams (in the winter term of the academic year)<br />
Topics are</p>
<li>Revising - getting started</li>
<li>Revising - organisation</li>
<li>Revising - setting targets</li>
<li>Revising - environment and the importance of sleep</li>
<li>Revising - dealing with stress</li>
<p>Exam timetable grid, Revision topic grid and a weekly revision grid is also attached.</p>
<p>This is an activity i use with Y9 to teach about the work of the United Nations, showing how the organisation supports countries in need but also sanctions those who do bad.<br />
They learn about the United nations through the game, where they pretent to be a country.<br />
They record down the way the UN helped or restricted their country.<br />
They then complete a knowledge focused exam style question and have a blind debate about whether the United Nations is a good thing. My class liked it so i am sharing.</p>
<p>In the zip folder you will find a key word map and a knowledge mat for students to complete for every Religious Ethics unit. You also have over 30 potential exam questions, linked directly to the specification discussion questions. Plus an essay planning sheet that follows the argument/counter argument - analysis structure.</p>
<p>We gave them to the students as a pack and they mapped out completion over the last two terms as ongoing recap and revision.</p>
<p>A detailed and easy to follow ppt about Christian Moral Principles - a very useful resource that over two/three lessons delivers the unit of study.</p>
<p>I used this resource for the first lesson on British Values for** AQA Citizenship Life in Modern Britain**. It pulls together key terms/their meaning/videos to promote discussion and red questions to promote discussion.</p>
<p>The final slide of the ppt is the worksheet pupils complete - i make mine put this in the centre of a double page in their book - the form has all the key information/knowledge recorded - around the outside we write the discussion points/challenges to the value and questions they have - so all the answers to red questions on the slide.</p>
<p>Due to covid its very front based/discussion led teaching focused.</p>
<p>**This is a brilliant resource of five 15 minute advice and guidance sessions on how to revise and prepare well for exams.</p>
<p>It follows another resource uploaded and is designed for tutors to help pupils learn revision techniques. **</p>
<p>In this pack you have five core ideas on how to revise with practical GCSE examples.</p>
<li>Importance of learn, revise and test as a model</li>
<li>condensing your notes</li>
<li>making mind maps</li>
<li>producing knowledge flow charts</li>
<li>making and using flashcards.</li>
<p>My tutors use it after the importance of revision, sleep workshops available to download.</p>
<p>**A collection of starters (DNA) and plenaries (Exit Tickets) for use in the class to check the learning of previous lessons (retrieval) or to check the learning after studying a topic. **</p>
<p>Each worksheet has three sections. Key terms knowledge, religious application and different viewpoints section. Each sheet has an answer worksheet to use whilst assertively monitoring and checking for understanding. I use this to check as pupils complete the work and to complete student editing afterwards as we go through the correct answers.</p>
<p>Topics included:</p>
<li>Reason for Crime</li>
<li>Aims of punishment</li>
<li>Corporal Punishment</li>
<li>Death Penalty</li>
<p>This is a resource bank of knowledge checking starters (DNA) and plenaries (Exit Tickets) that link to the specification for AQA RS GCSE Paper 2 Religion, Family and Relationships.</p>
<p>They are designed to check the knowledge learnt at the end of a lesson or to recheck the knowledge learnt in previous lessons as a starter. Each worksheet has an answer sheet (for self assessment/class feedback) with a grid to allow for a check of understanding.</p>
<li>Sexual Relationships</li>
<li>Homosexual relationships</li>
<li>Marriage, remarriage & family</li>
<li>Gender equality</li>
<p>**A collection of activities to launch the start of the lesson (DNA) or to end the lesson (plenary/exit ticket) that are focused around the key knowledge pupils need to know from the specification. **</p>
<p>Each activity checks key terms, religious scripture knowledge and different viewpoints.<br />
Each activity has an answer sheet for the teacher to use to mark/check learning and assertively monitor.<br />
A worksheet is included for;</p>
<li>Animal Rights</li>
<li>Origins of Life</li>
<li>Existence of God - not technically from this unit but supports Origins of life debates.</li>
<li>Death and the Afterlife</li>
<p>I use this resource as starters a few weeks after doing a topic for retrieval or as a resource to check the learning of the lesson before pupils leave.</p>
<p>A range of starter (DNA) and plenaries (exit ticket) activities for pupils to complete for the unit Peace and conflict for AQA RS. Each worksheet checks key term knowledge, religious scripture knowledge and different viewpoints.</p>
<p>I use it to check learning from previous topics as retrieval starters or as a plenary to check the knowledge learnt during the lesson. As pupils complete i move around assertively monitoring and then at the end i use the answer sheet to lock in the correct answers with the students before we move on.</p>
<p>The topics included are:</p>
<li>Reasons for War</li>
<li>Weapons of Mass Destruction</li>
<li>Rules of War</li>
Basic consolidation maps that you can use to get students to consolidate prior learning. They could potentially be a bit better so if you have time and use them, adapt and reload! Thanks :)