Jack and the beanstalk fairy tale boxing up talk 4 Writing
<p>Jack and the beanstalk story I wrote which includes punctuation within KS1 curriculum to recognise (fronted adverbials, commas, exclamation marks etc.). Talk 4 writing story map I drew to match story. This also includes a boxing up template I made for fairytale genre. The left side you can write a sentence from the beginning of the story i.e Jack sold his cow for some magic beans. On the right hand side the chi can change it to their own story which is great structure, i,e Scarlett sold her pug for some sparkling seeds. In the middle of the template is extra vocabulary to discuss, in my lesson we spoke about the meaning of a dilemma and a resolution. The last page is the story of Jack and the beanstalk we adapted as a class to our own.<br />
Also includes a prompt sheet for chi to get ideas from for their own stories.</p>
<p>It is a 4 page document altogether.</p>