French Food KS2 - an activity linked to BBC bitesize page.Quick View

French Food KS2 - an activity linked to BBC bitesize page.

<p>This activity links directly to a BBC page about learning about French food.<br /> It has excellent videos and practicing how to pronounce the vocabulary however I wanted to create an exact matching activity for the pupils to do to evidence their learning. They really enjoyed the matching words to pictures.</p>
Halloween Visual Fraction Puzzles KS2Quick View

Halloween Visual Fraction Puzzles KS2

<p>These are 3 maths fraction puzzles I made for my class so they could see a visual means of working out the solution. They could divide up the shapes using highlighters or cut them out. They loved them and wanted to make up their own which was a great way of assessing understanding.</p>
Lesson Plan for an imaginative story about a Microscopic SuperheroQuick View

Lesson Plan for an imaginative story about a Microscopic Superhero

<p>An exciting collection of resources based around a real life microscopic creature called the Tardigrade. Use the model story of the adventures of Tilly to encourage the pupils to write their own imaginative story or recount. Use the fact sheet for information or as a support sheet to encourage the pupils to make up their own ‘wiki’ entry. Pupils I have used these resources with have been fascinated by this creature.</p>
Halloween Themed Proof Reading ActivityQuick View

Halloween Themed Proof Reading Activity

<p>This is a differentiated spooky story for pupils to proof read and correct sentence punctuation including speech punctuation. It could also be used to encourage pupils to up-level their writing.</p>
Differentiated Reading Comprehension TaskQuick View

Differentiated Reading Comprehension Task

<p>A differentiated reading task about Mary Queen of Scot’s French Wedding used during an inspection and lesson rated very good.<br /> Pupils viewed some images of a tournament , a ball, a wedding banquet,<br /> Notre Dame and the Louvre Palace before paired reading. They used highlighters to skim and scan for key words before answering questions.</p>
Scotland - in the time of the VikingsQuick View

Scotland - in the time of the Vikings

<p>This is a resource I prepared for my class to go with our Viking Topic. I have gathered together primary and secondary sources to help explain these terms to the children. There was very little information for children about Scotland before it became a whole country so I have produced this PDF to help understanding of<br /> what happened before and when the Vikings invaded. It can be used as a discussion activity or as independent learning activities.</p>