Scrooge: structural analysis worksheetQuick View

Scrooge: structural analysis worksheet

<p>Explaining structure in the creation of a character, in this case Scrooge - using the acronym : CATS and two quotes from the beginning and end of the text, A Christmas carol. Further - utilising comparatives to compare the two.</p> <ul> <li> <p>Character - how a character changes from the beginning to the end of the set text using language analysis</p> </li> <li> <p>Analepsis - how a character changes using flashbacks and flashforwards (prolepsis)from the beginning to the end of the set text</p> </li> <li> <p>Tension - how tension is used in the creation of a character from the beginning to the end of the set text</p> </li> <li> <p>Setting - how the setting is used to develop the characterisation at the beginning and end of the set text</p> </li> </ul>
A worksheet for AQA language exams - covering every question to practise planning and comprehensionQuick View

A worksheet for AQA language exams - covering every question to practise planning and comprehension

<p>Every question covered on paper 1 and 2 together with the necessity to use SQIFIT and CODES and CAMPERRS</p> <p>SQIFIT<br /> statement<br /> quotation<br /> inference x 3<br /> feel - how does it make the reader feel<br /> imagine - what does it make the reader imagine<br /> Think - why does the writer use it</p> <p>CODES<br /> colons<br /> one word sentences<br /> dashes<br /> ellipses<br /> sentence structure</p> <p>camperrs<br /> colours - exotic<br /> alliteration<br /> metaphor<br /> personification<br /> emotive language<br /> rhetorical question<br /> repetition<br /> simile</p>