Bones, muscles and jointsQuick View

Bones, muscles and joints

Subject: Science, Human Biology<br /> Audience: Lower Secondary<br /> Topics:<br /> - identify and locate bones<br /> - functions of the skeletal system<br /> - identify and locate muscles<br /> - describe the function of tendons and ligaments<br /> - Identify different types of joints<br /> - explain antagonistic pairs and the processes involve in human movement<br /> Files:<br /> Bones and Joints worksheet<br /> Muscles and Injuries worksheet<br /> Bones and muscles Extended answer worksheet
Types of coastlinesQuick View

Types of coastlines

<p>A presentation and worksheet originally made for year 8 in Australia but easily adaptable to other regions.<br /> Includes coastlines such as:<br /> Beaches<br /> Islands<br /> Rocky coasts<br /> Mangroves<br /> and more including features of different coastlines.</p>
Science of wavesQuick View

Science of waves

<p>Covers concepts such as:</p> <ul> <li>wave terminology</li> <li>how waves break</li> <li>types of waves</li> <li>longshore drift</li> <li>groynes</li> <li>refraction</li> <li>how waves affect the coast - erosion</li> </ul>