Differentiated Blooms Taxonomy for Art and DesignQuick View

Differentiated Blooms Taxonomy for Art and Design

This is an extensive list of questions related to each area of Blooms Taxonomy: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate and Create.<br /> The questions are related specifically to Art and Design and the resource is designed for the teacher to use - I keep it to hand in my seating plan folder.<br /> I have left some pupil names on so you are able to see how I have matched the old national curriculum levels to the level of question.<br /> This is a great 'staple resource' to have to hand - whether you have planned to use it in your lesson or if you have a couple of minutes to spare at the end of the lesson.
Art and Design Scheme of Work: UGLY FRUIT! (Ceramics)Quick View

Art and Design Scheme of Work: UGLY FRUIT! (Ceramics)

This is an Art and Design Scheme of Work aimed at Year 8 but could be adapted for Year 7 or 9.<br /> Included in the pack is the Powerpoint with worksheets within it, the full scheme of work with assessment details and the Homework Bank of tasks to accompany lessons.<br /> <br /> The outcome of the scheme of work is a pinch pot brightly painted and varnished which pupils name. Pupils complete a variety of activities with a focus on fruit and vegetables as inspiration and developing an understanding of texture in a 2D and 3D way. They complete activities such as a 'Bushtucker trial' where they feel fruit and veg to work out what's hidden, observational drawing and design work inspired by the artist Kate Malone.<br /> <br /> Pupils are encouraged to look at 'ugly' fruit and veg and explore the issue of food wastage in terms of supermarkets and shops that throw out items because they don't fit the norm….pupils are encouraged to design 'ugly pots' and at the end of the project a 'beauty pageant' takes place in which the class vote for the 'ugliest' pot.<br /> <br /> Pupils will develop their clay skills and if they haven't explored ceramics before, pinch pots are a great introduction to this 3D area of Art and Design.<br />
KS3 Assessment for the new curriculumQuick View

KS3 Assessment for the new curriculum

These assessment sheets are designed to be easy and understandable for pupils in KS3 art lessons (there are 2 sheets on each A4 side).<br /> <br /> They have a simple number system on them which relate to the old National Curriculum levels - this is explained in the Powerpoint for both pupils and teachers to refer to.<br /> <br /> The assessment sheets are generally focused on:<br /> Drawing and observation<br /> Analysis of Artists<br /> Evaluation of Pupil's own work<br /> At the bottom of the sheets there is space for pupil-teacher-pupil dialogue in which feedback to the work can be given in direct relation to the skills that have been marked on the sheets.<br /> <br /> The levels and numbers could be edited if you wished and made specific to your projects; we have tried and tested many forms of assessment at KS3 and designed these to ease understanding across Year 7-9 so pupils become familiar with them as they progress through the Key Stage and also to maximise time in practical lessons.<br />
Basic Photoshop Help SheetQuick View

Basic Photoshop Help Sheet

This sheet was designed for Year 9 Art students to refer to when using Photoshop for the first time. I have only learnt Photoshop through playing in it and I have encouraged my pupils to do the same, therefore this sheet was designed from this point of view.<br /> <br /> It is designed to help them with a basic introduction to the tools you can use to edit photos and imagery in the program.<br /> <br /> It gives tips regards saving their work as a psd or jpeg file and advice about building layers in their image and how to undo commands they make is they want to rectify a mistake.<br /> <br /> Pupils were able to use this as a starter to Photoshop and it will give them the confidence to explore and experiment in the different menus and palettes.
AQA GCSE Assessment Criteria in 'Pupil Speak'Quick View

AQA GCSE Assessment Criteria in 'Pupil Speak'

One A4 sheet that can be used as a discussion tool in class or for pupils to work from independently when getting to grips with the AQA GCSE Assessment criteria - this is used in Art and Design but may work for other courses.<br /> It presents the assessment criteria as the exam board have written it and also a version of it in 'pupil speak' to enable your students to access it more easily in helping them to understand how to improve their work.<br /> The file is a word document and should help pupils to understand which assessment criteria to focus on and how they can work towards their target grades.
Art and Design Evaluation SheetQuick View

Art and Design Evaluation Sheet

This is an evaluation sheet which will support your GCSE students in evaluating and reflecting on their own work.<br /> <br /> It is intended to be used after the Unit 2/Component 2 work however it could be easily adapted by removing a few questions.<br /> <br /> It could also be adapted for other endorsements.
Art and Design Scheme of Work: PRINTED LANDSCAPE! (Print)Quick View

Art and Design Scheme of Work: PRINTED LANDSCAPE! (Print)

This is an Art and Design Scheme of Work aimed at Year 8 but could be adapted for Year 7 or 9.<br /> Included in the pack is the Powerpoint with worksheets within it, the full scheme of work and assessment information (pupil assessment sheets are included within the powerpoint).<br /> <br /> The outcome of the scheme of work is a collaborative class print of a local landscape to your school (ours was out local park which you'll see from the photos included - feel free to use these). Pupils complete research on the traditions of landscape, are introduced to formal elements linked to landscape and take inspiration from David Hockney's very colourful landscapes; in particular his work from the Royal Academy Exhibition. They complete analysis and studies from landscapes and then using an image of a local landscape, whether it be urban or countryside; this image is split into as many sections as there are pupils and they all use their mark making skills and complete mono prints which will come together to form the overall landscape; this draws parallels with David Hockney's recent landscape paintings which are made up of panels.<br /> <br /> Pupils will develop skills in mark making, recording and observation, analysis and print making.<br />
Art and Design Scheme of Work: PUNKY PUPPETS! (Craft & Textiles)Quick View

Art and Design Scheme of Work: PUNKY PUPPETS! (Craft & Textiles)

This is an Art and Design Scheme of Work aimed at Year 8 but could be adapted for Year 7 or 9.<br /> Included in the pack is an extensive Powerpoint, the full scheme of work with assessment details and worksheets of tasks to accompany lessons.<br /> <br /> The outcome of the scheme of work is a soft toy inspired by pupil's personalities - their 'dark' and 'light' side. Pupils complete a variety of activities and look at traditional and contemporary puppetry as inspiration with the main focus on the computer game: Little Big Planet. They complete research and design activities; pupils use felt as the main material although this could be adapted and pupils could use other fabrics. They learn basic sewing skills of using a needle and thread.<br /> <br /> Pupils are encouraged to explore their personalities with some fun activities to inspire them such as brainstorming the personality of art teachers in their department (as you'll see from the dept photos in this powerpoint which can of course be edited) - this can be adapted for yours.<br /> <br /> Pupils will develop their 2D design skills and 3D skills in making their small soft toy. It's a great project in encouraging their communication skills and emotional development in terms of exploring their personalities.<br />
Pupil Voice in Art and DesignQuick View

Pupil Voice in Art and Design

This is a set of 3 sheets that will enable pupils to communicate with you their thoughts and ideas about the projects you have taught them or are planning to in the future.<br /> <br /> They are simple tick box sheets which pupils can fill in quickly and add comments at the bottom. It will also allow them to reflect on work completed and help you to meet the demands of giving pupils a voice in your subject as the headings of the form are related to Ofsted headings when they conduct inspections as part of their visits.<br /> <br /> These will be a great resource to use as a department activity or when a new project has been written and delivered. The sheets are design for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pupils.
Superhero Question CardsQuick View

Superhero Question Cards

These cards will work across all subjects and are designed for pupils to reflect on their learning.<br /> They are particularly successful at Key Stage 3 as many pupils will recognise the Superhero characters featured.<br /> Pupils can choose the cards from you offering the pack so differentiation is easier to achieve.<br /> A great resource to use at the end of a lesson when you don't have a lot of time to complete a more in depth plenary.<br /> The file is a PowerPoint that can be printed off and cards laminated if so desired and can be cut up ready for everyday use in the classroom.
KS3 Sketchbook guidance sheet and Tracker sheetsQuick View

KS3 Sketchbook guidance sheet and Tracker sheets

This set of documents are used on pupils' KS3 Art and Design sketchbooks.<br /> <br /> The guidance sheet is a pupil friendly document that can be stuck on the inside covers for pupils to refer to and also allows them to record specific project information in brief including their targets.<br /> <br /> The tracker sheets allow pupils and you to record pupil and teacher assessments for individual pieces of work in the projects taught throughout the year. We teach 2 projects in each year group at KS3 and the shaded blocks just indicate to pupils where they don't need to fill in, however this can be edited to meet the needs of your curriculum. It also shows a small table that refers to levelling.
Essential Teaching ToolkitQuick View

Essential Teaching Toolkit

These are 5 documents that are great for starting out teaching. The first is a scheme of work proforma that can be completed to help plan your project out. It covers all the essentials of planning and then you can use the Lesson Planning Outline sheet to plan your lessons in more detail - I have many hand written projects on the lesson outline sheet that I refer back to year after year with edits and changes - a great way to review what you have taught and where you have changed ideas whilst teaching.<br /> The visual planner sheet is a fab resource to use to explore words that you are introducing pupils to in your lessons; they will explore all aspects of the word: appearance (they'll need to sketch), sound (how would they communicate the word if they were playing charades), when else they use the word (apart from in Art - or any other subject) and the function of the word.<br /> There are 2 worksheets to help pupils in writing about artworks they see and another is for target setting with Key Stage 4 in which you can specify the particular areas of the assessment criteria your pupils are working on.