Key Stage 3 Spelling StrategyQuick View

Key Stage 3 Spelling Strategy

A spelling strategy which revises and reinforces spellings introduced (but perhaps not consolidated) at KS2. This spelling strategy could be used in Years 7, 8 or 9 (I have used it on all). Term 1 goes over Year 4 spellings, Term 2, Year 5 and Term 3, Year 6 (according to the KS2 Spelling Framework). I celebrated the pupil's success by holding a Spelling Bee for each year group twice a year (at Easter and July). Those that wanted to take part, could. The spellings were those that they had been learning and tested on in the strategy. Our first prizes were Kindle Fires and we had an overwhelming response. This has raised the importance of spelling across the school and the kids absolutely loved it. Email me if you need more information.