Line Portraiture - Luke Dixon Designer/Critical Studies SheetQuick View

Line Portraiture - Luke Dixon Designer/Critical Studies Sheet

<p>A3 Resource/Critical Studies worksheet on the Line Portraiture of Luke Dixon, includes examples of the designers work and brief guidelines on how to produce a successful Critical Studies piece. Useful for alongside the Line Portraiture Worksheets.</p>
Line Portraiture - Luke Dixon worksheetsQuick View

Line Portraiture - Luke Dixon worksheets

<p>Three worksheets focusing on each feature of the face - eye, nose, mouth, using the work of Luke Dixon as an influence.<br /> These could be used as part of a Portraiture project or as cover work.</p>
KS3 Art & Design A3 Practical Assessment sheets x3Quick View

KS3 Art & Design A3 Practical Assessment sheets x3

<p>Assessment sheets include at least 3 different tasks such as observational drawing and critical evaluation, plus artists examples and a self evaluation task.<br /> Each sheet covers one of the following topics:<br /> Mark-making<br /> African Art<br /> &amp; Architecture</p> <p>These can be used as end of topic assessments or interim progress review tasks.<br /> (A4 to print A3)</p>