Edexcel - GCSE PE - Year 1 - PowerPoint
<p>The PowerPoint includes:</p>
<li>Physical, Emotional and Social health</li>
<li>Balanced diet and Role of Nutrients</li>
<li>Optimum Weight</li>
<li>Skeletal System</li>
<li>Muscular System</li>
<li>Cardiovascular System</li>
<li>The Heart</li>
<li>Respiratory System</li>
<li>Movement Analysis</li>
<li>Classification of Skills</li>
<li>Practice Structures</li>
<li>Goal Setting</li>
<li>Types of Guidance</li>
<li>Types of Feedback</li>
<li>Graphical Representations of Data</li>
<li>Mental Preparation</li>
<p>Each section then has information surrounding the topic and relevant tasks. It also demonstrates where to conduct assessment points.</p>