Enzymes & digestion
<p>This is a duplicate of previous worksheets for those without word 2007 - powerpoint display of digestive enzymes and appropriate worksheets</p>
Periodic table to colour
This is a simple resource of only 1/2 the periodic table to enable low ability students to visualise which are metals / non metals /solid / liquid or gas with atomic numbers below the symbol and approximate atomic masses above the symbol - useful for KS4 drawing atomic dot & cross diagrams.
This is a modified version of somebody elses good work (which i can't find anymore) but reversing positions of atomic mass / numbers - trying to be useful
Essential nutrients in our diet
<p>Play ‘Cheat’ or ‘Snap’ to learn the 7 essential nutrients - there are loads of pictures that can be printed off (laminated) and made into a deck of cards.</p>