Yr 7 (9 lessons) keyring with 2D Design & Laser cutter. Yr 8 (12 lessons) chocolate forme é package with CNC router. Yr 9 (20+ lessons) Pop-up card with OPAS plotter. In response to a review question this SoW is produced/used by a CADCAM specialist within a department operating a carousel system including electronics, food, graphics é resistant materials. The provisions made for individual students would be added to the differentiation column. In addition we use context sheets/data é seating plans to illustrate provisions for individuals.
<p>92 x 4 revision questions based on the GCSE exam board specification for product design. Ideal for student led revision or teacher led questioning. Covers many areas across the design technology specifications including colour coded categories for easy reference to: electronics, timbers, textiles, polymers and metal, sustainability: Origins to disposal. Wider issues in DT. Health and safety. Finishes, stock forms, tools equipment and standard components amongst many others.</p>
<p>53 slides covering 199 questions specifically testing A-level theoretical knowledge of the AQA Product Design specification and past papers.<br />
The resource works both as a hard copy or digitally. Ideal for students to self or peer assess.</p>
<p>Instructions:<br />
Print out on card, cut in half, glue the question card on top of the answers and cut along to separate the individual questions</p>