The VictoriansQuick View

The Victorians

A ppt about The Victorians. It contains links to the BBC website, you may have to click on the individual videos to watch them.
Tudor explorationQuick View

Tudor exploration

A ppt about Tudor exploration: Galleons, sailors, superstitions, navigation, food & diseases. I got my class to do various activities based on the ppt. e.g. make own compass and compare how people navigate (stars/gps etc), label a galleon and make one, create own sea monster é write a dramatic piece of writing about it, compare a modern diet to a Tudors and how sailors live etc.. those are just some of things we did as a class. Hope it helps xx
The Moon landingQuick View

The Moon landing

A presentation about the 1969 Moon landing. Children then created a newspaper report about it. x
VolcanoesQuick View


Powerpoint about volcanoes, I have added new things but also borrowed from other powerpoints. let me know if I can improve it x
APP explanation for writing gridsQuick View

APP explanation for writing grids

Explanation off APP grids, level 2 - 5. I found it really useful! Enjoy x I found it on this website via google: Searched for writing app level definition
Alien Angles AttackQuick View

Alien Angles Attack

Using a protractor to measure the alien's laser beams 'attacking' earth. Children draw a line from the centre of the earth to the alien ships target (angle) then they measure the angle, and next to it write the degree and the type of angle it is. Suitable for LA. Hope you find it useful. Jx
Water FactsQuick View

Water Facts

Power point presentation with facts about water. I used it with my year 5 class, there were questions there wanted to find out so I put them in here x
The Earth and BeyondQuick View

The Earth and Beyond

Power point presentation to be used to prompt pupils into asking questions... let me know how I can improve it or if anything is incorrect.
FloodQuick View


Powerpoint about floods: what causes them, the dangers etc plus a bit of infor on Boscastle. Let me know if I can improve it x
HabitatsQuick View


Power point presentation about the different types of habitats out there.. also includes facts about the different animals; bats, penguins and spiders. My class wanted some questions answered about the animals above... tried to answer them to best I could.. let me know how I can improve it.
Harry Potter themed reading APP bookmarksQuick View

Harry Potter themed reading APP bookmarks

I used them with my class and they responded really well to them. All children had a laminated bookmark which they used for school during guided reading sessions and 1:1 with our teaching assistant. The children knew their targets and adults working with them could target specific questions to individuals. Children could take bookmarks home and parents were made aware of targets. Hogwarts = Free readers L5, Slytherin = HA Hufflepuff - MA, Ravenclaw = M/LA, Gryffindor = LA Hope you find them useful, please adapt! xx