French ALLER + Places - Ou vas-tu ?
A Powerpoint Tutorial introducing the verb aller + to the + places in town - Based on Voila 1 ! - Unit 7
Direct and indirect pronouns
Powerpoint explaining direct and indirect pronouns - different examples given.
Sun Safety
<p>Powerpoint presentation - 12 questions about sun safety followed by sunshine key to long life - vitamin D input. Followed by a burning issue to get students talking about their experiences.</p>
les passe-temps
<p>Hobbies - powerpoint - verb faire & activities. Presentation of vocab, match up pictures and sentences é stile tray activity + also vocab list.</p>
Crime & Young People
To address the issue of anti-social behaviour in relation to children and teenagers. Age of criminal responsibility, why do young people commit crimes ? Fear of crime.
Man kann
Resources aimed at teaching the expression 'Man kann...'. Vocabulary list prvided, Powerpoint, memory game (ideally laminated) & vocab test.
Sir Isaac Newton
Powerpoint made about Sir Issac Newton (4th January or 20th March) - Pictures + prayer. The last two slides have the text for students to read out.
Coffee quiz
<p>Questions on coffee, where is it from ? the most expensive coffee, how much do we drink, endangered species</p>
Powerpoint showing 'famous' people + when their birthday is. List of the dates in German. Gap filling worksheet differentiated (simple conversation).
Mon collège
AQA French - Work in a group to write about your school.
Group A describes the buildings and facilities.
Group B is a current student and talks about the school, giving plenty of opinions.
Group C is still at primary school and writes about their hopes for when they are at the collège.
Current and future jobs - AQA list
List of the words given by AQA for current and future jobs. I have put them in a specific order ie. all the jobs, the nouns, adjectives then adverbs.
Having a Party !
Powerpoint. Objective : to raise awareness of party politics + the election process. Parliament, political parties, create a political party, key pledges, vote
The Legal System - quiz
To get familiar with the legal process. Common law, legal system, Statute law, civil law, criminal law. 9 questions & answers explained
Quiz on Sophie Scholl
8 questions on Sophie Scholl.
Useful information provided before watching the film in class.
The real price of coffee - starter
<p>Presentation on coffee - adapted from Newsround website info.</p>
Past tense - 'Ich habe' or 'Ich bin'
Tasks requiring students to conjugate 'haben' + 'sein' (ich to wir) and adding the correct past participle.