Weekly Spelling Booklets for Year 4 Quick View

Weekly Spelling Booklets for Year 4

These are 6 spelling booklets - one per half term for children to learn and practise their weekly spellings in Year 4. I have tried to include as many of the Y3/4 objectives as is possible! There are 16 words per week with some (4 or 5) from the common exception words included. There is an explanation of the rule being covered and columns for children to practice their spellings. <br /> Depending how your school splits the Year 3/4 spelling curriculum you may find some overlap so some editing may be required. If you would like to see a sample one of the booklets is available as a free download.
-ion suffixQuick View

-ion suffix

I used this to introduce the rules for adding the -ion suffix to go with weekly spellings. I have also included the spelling booklet for these rules which the children were given. This is intended for year 4 to hopefully match the new curriculum.
Clocks and anglesQuick View

Clocks and angles

A whiteboard file to try and help children understand how clocks and direction are related and to look for angles on a clockface.