EYFS Profile Tracking Grid 2012Quick View

EYFS Profile Tracking Grid 2012

This might be useful in this format as it gives equal space for dating evidence. I have separated ELGs as I would want to use them. Let me know what you think and compare to my other grid. I will enlarge to A3 for each child as type is very small.
2012 EYFS Dev Matters and ELG Tracking GridsQuick View

2012 EYFS Dev Matters and ELG Tracking Grids

I came up with these grids after attending a course. It has the 30-50 and 40-60 month statements from development matters and the Early Learning Goals. They can be used similarly to the App grids and 'best fit' judgement made. Please comment if dowloading as would appreciate feedback.
EYFS Tracking Grid 2012Quick View

EYFS Tracking Grid 2012

Please let me know what you think of the grid. I have separated ELGs as I would want to use them. Type very small but I will enlarge to A3 which makes it more readable.
Traditional Tales - Goldilocks - Crime Scene Investigation - 1 Week Unit of work - Year 2Quick View

Traditional Tales - Goldilocks - Crime Scene Investigation - 1 Week Unit of work - Year 2

A great spin on a traditional tale! The children loved becoming crime scene investigators for a week and some great report writing was produced during our 'big write' on Friday. Includes power point presentation for each day of the week, weekly plan and all resources and sheets needed to deliver the week unit. All on word so adaptable to suit the needs of your own class.
Shopping using multiplication Year 2Quick View

Shopping using multiplication Year 2

KS1 YEAR 2: Three differentiated worksheets - buying multiple items for multiplication. Also included 3 differentiated challenge sheets to combine multiplication and addition. Easily adaptable to suit own levels.