Year 6 - Reading Intervention - Vocabulary, Retrieval and InferenceQuick View

Year 6 - Reading Intervention - Vocabulary, Retrieval and Inference

<p>These resources I’ve created are designed to develop children’s ability to infer. I created them after reading an article by Ashley Booth about developing inference skills. They are designed to ask the children to find the meaning of vocabulary, retrieve then to infer. The idea is that children will see the relvance of deriving meaning from vocabulary and retrieivngnkey information when trying to answer inference questions. As you go through the different texts, it would be wise to take away the vocabulary questions then the retrieval and see if the children can just answer inference questions however apply the skills they have developed of finding meaning of vocabulary and retrieving information to help them. Hope they help.</p>
Year 6 Whole Class Reading comprehension - Hurricane songQuick View

Year 6 Whole Class Reading comprehension - Hurricane song

<p>Using the song Hurricane by Band of Heathens, I created a whole class reading comprehension for Year 6. I used this within my Natural Disasters unit - worked really well. I used the reading question stems from Vipers, focusing in particular on vocabulary, inference and explanation.</p>