Visualizing with Poetry Mini-lesson/ Center WorkQuick View

Visualizing with Poetry Mini-lesson/ Center Work

Visualizing with Poetry<br /> <br /> This file contains 11 poems for students to read, reread and highlight descriptive words, quick draw what they are visualizing, and write what words helped them visualise/about what they pictured. <br /> <br /> Poems included: <br /> <br /> I'm Glad I'm Me- Phil Bolsta<br /> <br /> A Sorcerer Has Cursed Me- Harry Wozniak<br /> <br /> My Neighbors Dog is Purple- Jack Prelutsky<br /> <br /> Green Giant- Jack Prelutsky<br /> <br /> Raining Gumballs- Arden Davidson<br /> <br /> Swap Meet- Arden Davidson<br /> <br /> The Perfect Snowball<br /> <br /> Talented Family- Ken Nesbit<br /> <br /> Be Glad Your Nose is On Your Face- Jack Prelutsky<br /> <br /> Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens- Jack Prelutsky<br /> <br /> I Ate Too Much- Jack Prelutsky<br /> <br /> This file also contains a Visualizing Glasses recording sheet for a mini-lesson with a poem or read aloud of choice. Students should write descriptive words in each box around glasses frames, then draw what they are visualizing in the eye lenses spaces.
Addition and Subtraction with and without regroupingQuick View

Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping

These school bus mats and practice pages can be a nice introduction/reminder to always start adding/subtracting in the ones place (Where you get on the bus). <br /> <br /> The first two pages of this Powerpoint may be printed on <br /> cardstock and placed in page protectors for use with dry <br /> Erase markers in centers or for small group instruction.<br /> <br /> I also projected the first two pages on my promethean <br /> board while introducing double digit addition and subtraction. <br /> Using the writing on desktop feature in Active Inspire, we <br /> were able to practice many examples whole group before <br /> practicing independently.<br /> <br /> You will find that this file has many independent practice <br /> sheets to accommodate a wide range of learners/scaffolding of <br /> Double digit addition and Subtraction. Use how you see fit!<br /> <br /> Included:<br /> (2) &quot;Start Where You Get on the Bus- The ONES PLACE&quot; <br /> practice mats<br /> (1) Double Digit Addition WITHOUT regrouping practice page<br /> (1) Double Digit Subtraction WITHOUT regrouping practice page<br /> (1) Double Digit Addition WITH regrouping<br /> (1) Triple Digit Addition WITH regrouping<br /> (1) Double Digit Subtraction WITH regrouping<br /> (1) Triple Digit Subtraction WITH regrouping<br /> (1) Double Digit Addition mixed with/without regrouping<br /> (1) Double Digit Subtraction mixed with/without regrouping
Morning Math Work/ Daily MathQuick View

Morning Math Work/ Daily Math

This is a 180 day resource I created to use with my second grade class for Morning Math. It will supplement our calendar time. <br /> <br /> Resource could also be used at a Minute Math, Calendar Math Supplement, Morning Work, Daily Review... <br /> <br /> Each day, students will:<br /> <br /> 1. Write out the date in words and numbers at the top<br /> 2. Prove date is odd/even. (How many pairs, are any left over)<br /> 3. Tell time on an analog clock<br /> 4. Work on math skills<br /> 5. Problem of the Day<br /> <br /> <br /> Math Skills Included: <br /> <br /> - Today's Date<br /> - Odd/Even<br /> - Time to the Hour, Half- Hour, Quarter-Hour, and 5 minutes<br /> - Patterns <br /> - Base Ten Drawings<br /> - Addition/Subtraction with Base Ten Drawings<br /> - Money<br /> - 100's Chart<br /> - Double Digit Addition/Subtraction<br /> - Solving 2 ways<br /> - Inequalities<br /> - Word Problems<br /> - Missing Addends
Liquid Volume Inquiry ExperimentQuick View

Liquid Volume Inquiry Experiment

Inquiry: Does the volume (amount) of a liquid change if it is placed in a different container?<br /> <br /> Liquids can take the shape of their container, but have a definite/fixed/certain volume<br /> <br /> 1. For this inquiry experiment, set up as many stations with two measuring cups/beakers as you have available. I had 7 stations (14 measuring cups) <br /> <br /> I tried to place a small measuring cup with a bigger measuring cup. <br /> <br /> A small beaker with a big beaker<br /> <br /> a tall skinny beaker with a short, wide measuring cup (they all must have 1 cup labeled) <br /> <br /> 2. Once, all stations are set up with two measuring cups/beakers, place 1 cup of water in only one of the cups. Students will take turns pouring water into the empty measuring cup to see if the volume of a liquid changes when it is placed in a different container. <br /> <br /> Studens will get the most conceptual understanding that Volume (amount) of liquid stays the same even if the shape of the container changes if they are able to see this work with different shapes and sizes of measuring cups that all can measure 1 cup. 1 cup in a small measuing cup is the same as 1 cup in a measuring cup that can hold 2 cups. The amount/volume of the liquid stays the same. However, if you only have one kind of measure cup available, you could still make this activity work in small groups or a whole class observation while you do the pouring. You may use this inquiry recording sheet however you see fit! :) <br /> <br /> I had my students buddy up and SCOOT to each station. (2014/15) When it was their turn at a station, the first partner would look at 1 cup of water in the container it was in and then pour it into the empty container. Then the second partner would check to see the amount in the new container. Then the second partner would have a turn pouring it back into the original measuring cup/beaker.<br /> <br /> (2015/16) This year, I had students work in 4 groups. On each table set, I put a cup, pint, quart, and gallon. Students took turns pouring the cup into the other containers and discussing if it was still the same amount of space/1 cup.
Small Group/ Guided Math Rotation OrganizationQuick View

Small Group/ Guided Math Rotation Organization

This powerpoint contains everything you will need for organizing small group math rotations, guided math, math centers (Whatever you wish call it, this will cover it!)<br /> <br /> It includes the following center cards: <br /> Teacher Time<br /> Choice Time (choice boards for AGL extension)<br /> Seat Work (usually interactive notebook)<br /> Buddy Games<br /> Computer Games<br /> Fact Fluency Practice <br /> <br /> I lamintated these pages and used the large Hexagon,<br /> Pentagon, Octagon, and Square to write the students names in each <br /> group. *Write student' names in Sharpie, then color over with Expo marker to erase and change groups. This trick works like a charm. <br /> <br /> The small shapes were displayed in a pocket chart where I<br /> moved the rotation cards around to show the rounds for each group.<br /> <br /> Small group shapes (x2) I put one of each on 4 book bins and this is where groups kept their interactive math notebooks. <br /> This gave me easy access for grading and they didn’t get lost in<br /> desks too often. <br /> <br /> Enjoy!
Famous American's Webquest ResearchQuick View

Famous American's Webquest Research

This is a webquest I created to supplement our Famous Americans unit in second grade (VA SOL SS 2.11)<br /> <br /> It includes two recording sheets and 2-3 websites to view for each of the following famous Americans:<br /> <br /> 1. Abraham Lincoln<br /> <br /> 2. George Washington<br /> <br /> 3. Susan B. Anthony<br /> <br /> 4. Helen Keller<br /> <br /> 5. Martin Luther King Jr. <br /> <br /> 6. Jackie Robinson<br /> <br /> (One 3-2-1 and one lined page for each famous American. I allowed them to choose which form for notetaking they would like to use, but that they had to record AT LEAST 3 facts. I also gave them the option to research with a buddy. This helped my struggling readers/writers and motivated some others.)<br /> <br /> I put the links from the top of each page into a word document and uploaded it to our class website for easy opening and navigating to each website. This list of links may be found on the last page of this document.<br /> <br /> We spent a day in the computer lab researching, then a day in the classroom with read alouds, sharing what they found, and discussion for each famous American. I will definitely use this with my class next year. It took an otherwise dry, memorize the facts, unit and gave them the opportunity to dig deeper and practice their research and technology skills.
Money Market- Spend $1.00Quick View

Money Market- Spend $1.00

This file has 7 different Money Market choice pages for students to draw the coins that equal $1.00 and choose what they can buy with one dollar. <br /> <br /> Includes:<br /> <br /> -fruit stand (options- $0.10, $0.25, $0.50, $0.75) <br /> <br /> -fruit stand (options- $0.10, $0.20, $0.75, $0.05) <br /> <br /> -candy stand (options- $0.10, $0.05, $0.50, $0.75) <br /> <br /> -dessert stand (options- $0.25, $0.50, $0.10, $0.05, $0.75) <br /> <br /> -ice cream stand (options- $0.05, $0.10, $0.20, $0.25, $0.50) <br /> <br /> -Candy stand (options- $0.05, $0.10, $0.15, $0.20)<br /> <br /> -Snack stand (options- $0.05, $0.10, $0.15, $0.25) <br /> <br /> I used these with my second grade class as a daily warm up during our unit on money. Some days we discussed it whole group using our promethean board and white boards. Other days, I printed it out and checked their work before letting them take it home. They could also be used as exit tickets.
Comparing FractionsQuick View

Comparing Fractions

Teacher can: <br /> - Print the last three pages on cardstock<br /> - color in fraction pictures on pg. 6 as you wish<br /> - laminate for game cards<br /> - Choose recording sheet: symbols or words<br /> <br /> I used a document camera to introduce this activity whole group while students completed recording sheet at seats. Then I made sets for buddy games during math stations.<br /> <br /> Differentiation:<br /> Choose to mix fraction cards, picture cards, and word cards or work on one set of cards at a time for your kiddos that may struggle.<br /> <br /> <br /> Students will:<br /> <br /> 1. Take turns choosing game cards. <br /> 2. Both partners will write the fractions and draw them on recording <br /> sheet.<br /> 3. Both partners will compare fractions by circling the symbol or word<br /> that makes the statement true<br /> 4. Finally check each others answer
Social Studies and Science Vocabulary Flipbooks/Interactive notebook pagesQuick View

Social Studies and Science Vocabulary Flipbooks/Interactive notebook pages

These Interactive flipbooks were created to help my second grade students draw pictures, write definitions, and give examples for social studies and science vocabulary and content. <br /> <br /> The VA SOLs included are <br /> <br /> SS 2.1 Ancient China and Egypt <br /> (Written language, inventions/contributions, architecture)<br /> <br /> SS 2.2 American Indians: Pueblo, Lakota, Powhatan<br /> (regions, homes, occupations, transportation)<br /> <br /> SS2.3 Communities<br /> (work, live, play)<br /> <br /> SS2.4 Map skills environment/land and climate<br /> (China, Egypt, Eastern Woodlands, Plains, Southwest)<br /> <br /> SS2.6 Map Skills <br /> (parts of a map: legend, title, compass rose<br /> <br /> SS2.7 Types of Resources<br /> (natural, human, capital<br /> <br /> SS2.8 Exchange of goods and services<br /> (barter vs. money)<br /> <br /> SS2.9 Economics<br /> (goods vs. services, producer vs. consumer, scarcity, economic choice)<br /> <br /> SS2.11 Famous Americans<br /> (George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr. <br /> <br /> <br /> *They should be printed two sided, folded in half with the definition visible, and cut on the dotted line to make flaps.
Social Studies/Science Quick Writes: 3 Things I LearnedQuick View

Social Studies/Science Quick Writes: 3 Things I Learned

I created these quick writes as a formative assessment tool for each of our second grade Social Studies and Science Units. <br /> <br /> Each quick write asks: What are three things you learned about ____________.<br /> <br /> At the bottom of each quick write is a quick rubric for grading SS/Science and Writing. This is a great way to bring SS/Science content into writing as well as writing into SS/Science. <br /> <br /> I have included all 12 VA Social Studies SOLs for Second Grade:<br /> Communities<br /> Good Citizens<br /> Map Skills<br /> World Maps<br /> US Maps<br /> American Indians (Powhatan, Lakota, Pueblo)<br /> Ancient China<br /> Ancient Egypt<br /> Goods and Services<br /> Producers and Consumers<br /> Scarcity and Bartering<br /> Types of Resources<br /> <br /> I have also included Quick writes for all 8 VA Science SOLs for second grade:<br /> Adaptations<br /> Life Cycles<br /> Living vs. Nonliving<br /> Ecosystems, Habitats, Plants<br /> Solids, Liquids, and Gases<br /> Magnets<br /> Severe Weather<br /> Water Cycle<br /> <br /> I have also included and blank template so you can edit in Powerpoint or print and hand-write to use these quick writes or as tickets out the door. <br /> *My county grades 2nd grade on a S+, S, S-, N scale. Feel free to edit the rubric to fit your needs!
Good Fit Book Marks for Just Right Book PickingQuick View

Good Fit Book Marks for Just Right Book Picking

These bookmarks are a great way to help students become independent while choosing books from your classroom library. <br /> <br /> I have shared a preview of how my library is set up and the stickers I use for my bookmarks and pink bins that are organized by reading level. <br /> <br /> The beauty of these bookmarks is that you can choose any sticker system you wish! <br /> <br /> I use the Ice Cream Shop sticker books that are $1.00 from Michaels and AC Moore. They have been available for the past three years, but I always buy a handful each time I go- just in case! <br /> <br /> I do a mini lesson explaining that they should always have three books in their book bin: one from their fluency bin, one from their just right bin, and one from their challenge bin. Eventually, I will introduce my series bins and a series book can be an option over a challenge. Then, each time I do a reading record/DRA my students, they get a new bookmark with their new sticker bin choices and a reminder of how they should choose new books. <br /> <br /> If you do not have series bins or set up your library differently, please feel free to message me after purchase and I will gladly email you my powerpoint file to edit! :) <br /> <br /> I hope these will help your students choose good fit books! <br /> *Be sure to YouTube the IPICK song for choosing good fit books if you've never heard it!
Class Journals for work on writingQuick View

Class Journals for work on writing

Print these journal topic covers on colorful cardstock and bind the writing pages between the cover and another piece of cardstock to create Class Journals.<br /> <br /> This file includes 6 journal topics, writing paper with Author, Date, and Editing Checklist, and a back cover<br /> <br /> Journal Covers Included: <br /> 1. Family<br /> 2. Sports<br /> 3. Pets<br /> 4. Vacations<br /> 5. Fiction<br /> 6. Favorites<br /> <br /> During the Daily 5- Work on Writing of free writing time, your students may choose a topic they wish to write about. They can read what their classmates have written and add to the journal. <br /> <br /> These journals will give students an audience and purpose for writing, as well as great ideas for their own writing.
-er in two syllable words gameQuick View

-er in two syllable words game

To play:<br /> <br /> Make a copy of the Four in a Row words (I did this on color cardstock). <br /> <br /> Cut out the -er words<br /> <br /> Each player will need a Four in a Row mat. They should take turns drawing an -er word, read the word, and place it on the matching word on their mat.<br /> <br /> The first player with 4 -er words in a row wins. <br /> <br /> I used this writing response and Four in a Row activity after reading the poem A Sliver Of Liver, from Kids Pick The Funniest Poems: <br /> <br /> Just a sliver of liver they want me to eat,<br /> It’s good for my blood, they all say; <br /> They want me to eat just the tiniest sliver Of yukky old slimy old slithery liver; I’m saying no thanks,<br /> not today.<br /> <br /> No, I’ll pass for tonight but tomorrow I might <br /> Simply Beg for a sliver of liver. <br /> “Give me liver!” I’ll cry. “I’ll have liver or die! Oh, <br /> PLEASE cook me a sliver of liver!” One piece might not do,<br /> I’ll need two or a few, I’ll want tons of the wobbly stuff,<br /> Of that quivery shivery livery pile, There may not be nearly enough.<br /> <br /> Just a sliver you say? No thanks, not today.<br /> Tomorrow I really can’t say;<br /> But today I’d sooner eat slivers of glass, Eat the tail of a skunk washed down with gas, <br /> Eat slivers of sidewalks and slivers of swings, <br /> Slivers and slivers of any old thing, <br /> Than a sliver of slimy old quivery shivery <br /> Livery liver today.<br /> <br /> You could easily cut off the top portion if you just wanted to use the Four in a Row activity with your students. <br /> <br /> Enjoy!
Speedy FractionsQuick View

Speedy Fractions

Students follow directions to color code cars and answer questions based on the picture. I have included a modified version to discuss equivalent fractions.
Story Element Poetry Template for use with Read AloudsQuick View

Story Element Poetry Template for use with Read Alouds

This file contains a generic rough draft poetry template for students to practice Identifying:<br /> <br /> (1) Character name<br /> (2) adjectives/ words to describe the character<br /> (3) words to describe setting<br /> (4) words to describe the problem<br /> (5) words to describe the solution<br /> <br /> It also contains one generic final copy to use with any read aloud or book. You may use for mini lessons with the titles I have provided or modify it to use with your own. <br /> <br /> I have included six templates with pictures for use with popular picture books including: <br /> <br /> The Recess Queen<br /> Chrysanthemum<br /> The Gruffalo<br /> Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse<br /> A Weekend With Wendell<br /> The Lorax