Whole class end of year reports FS2/Reception
<p>Writing end-of-year reports for a whole class can be daunting, especially when juggling lesson planning, marking, and other responsibilities. This resource is designed to save you hours of valuable time by providing a comprehensive set of end-of-year reports for 23 children, catering to all ability levels, including a selective mute child and a child with global developmental delay.<br />
These reports are thoughtfully written, fully editable, and cover key areas such as Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, and General comments, ensuring alignment with EYFS goals. While some comments are repeated across reports to reflect common achievements and save you time, they remain adaptable to your specific class needs.<br />
Why spend countless hours starting from scratch when you can invest in a resource that provides professionally written, adaptable templates? Whether you’re an experienced teacher or a busy ECT, these reports will lighten your workload and let you focus on what you do best—teaching.<br />
Save time, reduce stress, and feel confident knowing you’ve got high-quality reports ready to go. Buy now and take the first step toward a smoother end-of-year reporting process!</p>