Teach the German AlphabetQuick View

Teach the German Alphabet

- Learn the German alphabet <br /> - Learn how nouns in German are written differently from English<br /> - Learn the 3 words for “the” and “a” in German
Meine FamilieQuick View

Meine Familie

- Talking about your family <br /> - Using the possessive adjectives mein/e (my) and dein/e (your)<br /> - Giving information about family members
Contraste pretérito indefinido / imperfectoQuick View

Contraste pretérito indefinido / imperfecto

<p>A complete lesson to teach/revise the difference between the preterite tense and the imperfect</p> <p>What’s included:</p> <ul> <li>an easy to follow Power Point with explanations and visuals</li> <li>an easy to understand song with worksheets and gap-fill activity</li> <li>translations</li> <li>a link to a video with transcript and (pr-/post video) activities</li> </ul>
Peer Relationships/ FriendshipsQuick View

Peer Relationships/ Friendships

<p>This lesson on Peer Relationships/ Friendships is part of the PSHE (Physical, Social, Health Education) Curriculum in the UK. It can be taught as a stand alone lesson or as part of a series of lessons. Students will discuss what friendships mean to them. This resource includes a Powerpoint Presentation and a worksheet.</p> <p>Lesson objectives:</p> <ul> <li>Awareness of the importance of peer relationships and how they are beneficial</li> <li>Recognising the basic characteristics of how to be a good friend</li> <li>Introduction to various strategies that we use to develop and maintain peer relationships</li> <li>Recognising what characteristics are wanted and unwanted in a friendship</li> </ul>
Fixed vs. Growth MindsetQuick View

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

<p>A PSHE lesson on the topic of Fixed vs. Growth Mindset. Can be used as stand alone lesson or as part of a series of lessons on study skills.</p> <p>Learning Objectives:</p> <ul> <li>Identify and define fixed and growth mindset</li> <li>Distinguish between both</li> <li>Take steps to develop a growth mindset</li> </ul>
Geschäfte in der StadtQuick View

Geschäfte in der Stadt

1. Identify the shops in town. <br /> 2. Complete the sentences with the missing word (place in town).<br /> 3. What is not true? Cross off the wrong answer.<br /> 4. Choose the correct answer. <br /> Answer Key<br /> Vocabulary list
Einkaufen - Auf dem MarktQuick View

Einkaufen - Auf dem Markt

1. Learn the names of fruit and vegetables<br /> 2. Practise vocabulary ‘fruit and vegetables’<br /> Practise quantities<br /> Prepare a dialogue ‘At the market’
Das PausenbrotQuick View

Das Pausenbrot

You will be able to say in German what you eat and drink at break time and ask others using the structures<br /> <br /> Ich esse...<br /> Ich trinke...<br /> <br /> You will be able to conjugate the verbs and use the accusative case correctly.
Test Your GermanQuick View

Test Your German

A short test for intermediate learners of German.<br /> Tests superlative, past participle, structures with seit, verb forms, question words, dative, prepositions.