Geography plan and resources - EuropeQuick View

Geography plan and resources - Europe

<p>Europe plan<br /> 8 lesson plan that focuses on a range of topics related to Europe.<br /> Lesson 1 - What is Europe like?<br /> Lesson 2 - Countries in Europe<br /> Lesson 3 - Fact file on a country in Europe<br /> Lesson 4 - Capital cities<br /> Lesson 5 - Population and currency<br /> Lesson 6 - Temperature<br /> Lesson 7 - Mountains in Europe<br /> Lesson 8 - Landmarks (persuasive writing)<br /> Initially planned for Year 4 but could be adapted for other year groups.</p>
Nelson Mandela plan and resourcesQuick View

Nelson Mandela plan and resources

<p>History plan for Nelson Mandela topic.<br /> I loved teaching this unit of work to the Year 4 class. The children really enjoyed learning about who Nelson Mandela was and the Apartheid. They had many opportunities for practical activities as well as long pieces of writing. All activities are differentiated.</p>
Art plan and resources - Daniel MackieQuick View

Art plan and resources - Daniel Mackie

<p>This is a 7-week unit of work for Art that focuses on the work of Daniel Mackie. It is primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for other year groups. This unit of work focuses on developing children’s pencil skills, such as cross hatching, hatching and shading. The children can experiment with watercolours, colouring pencils and applying different pressures with their pencil.<br /> The children in my class really enjoyed creating the outline of their chosen animal, drawing the animals habitat inside and then applying the colours to the final drawing. Attached are all the resources needed.</p>
Geography plan - Mountain and regions of the UKQuick View

Geography plan - Mountain and regions of the UK

<p>This plan consists of 5 lessons looking at the mountain and regions of the UK. The children have opportunities to plot the UK mountains on a map, plan a journey from one mountain to another and write a persuasive letter. This plan covered a terms worth of work for my Year 5 class. They really enjoyed this unit of work.</p>
DT Kite planQuick View

DT Kite plan

<p>This is an 6-week unit of work for Design and Technology that focuses on designing kites with a purpose. It is primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for other year groups.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Research kite designs and there purpose<br /> Lesson 2/3 - Exploring materials to make a kite<br /> Lesson 4- Design a kite based on a design criteria<br /> Lesson 5 - Create a kite following a design plan<br /> Lesson 6 - Evaluate and Adapt a kite</p> <p>The children in my class really enjoyed creating their kites for different purposes.</p>
Gaudi Art plan only - buildings and architectureQuick View

Gaudi Art plan only - buildings and architecture

<p>Gaudi Art plan - buildings and architecture - 4 lessons</p> <p>Lesson 1 - I can use tone to make an object appear 3D<br /> Lesson 2 - I can use a grid to help me scale-up a picture<br /> Lesson 3/4- I can sketch part of the school using a grid and add detail</p> <p>The children really enjoyed this unit of work.</p>
States of Matter Science plan and resourcesQuick View

States of Matter Science plan and resources

<p>States of Matter plan, should last approx. 10 weeks, covering all objectives on the NC as well as a range of working scientifically objectives The plan is fully differentiated for each lesson. Originally planned for Year 4 however could be adapted for other year groups. Also included are all relevant resources, except the concept cartoon. A variety of responds have also been suggested after each lesson.</p> <p>Week 1 - Concept cartoon - prior knowledge<br /> Week 2 - Vocabulary lesson<br /> Week 3 - To identify solids, liquids and gases.<br /> Week 4 - To investigate gases.<br /> Week 5 - To investigate materials as they change state - melting activity.<br /> Week 6 - To investigate how water changes state.<br /> Week 7 - To identify and describe the different stages of the water cycle.<br /> Week 8/9 - To recognise the process of evaporation (investigation).<br /> Week 10 - To reflect on my knowledge from a unit of work (revisit the concept cartoon).</p>
DT Kite plan and resourcesQuick View

DT Kite plan and resources

<p>This is an 6-week unit of work for Design and Technology that focuses on designing kites with a purpose. It is primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for other year groups.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - Research kite designs and there purpose<br /> Lesson 2/3 - Exploring materials to make a kite<br /> Lesson 4- Design a kite based on a design criteria<br /> Lesson 5 - Create a kite following a design plan<br /> Lesson 6 - Evaluate and Adapt a kite</p> <p>The children in my class really enjoyed creating their kites for different purposes.</p>
Guided reading plan and resources - The Mousehole CatQuick View

Guided reading plan and resources - The Mousehole Cat

<p>This unit of work consists of 11 lessons. The children will have the opportunity to read the book and answer comprehension questions about the story. They will also have the opportunity to discover new vocabulary and learn the meaning for those words. The book has plenty of examples of figurative language (similes, metaphors and personification), which the children can then apply to their English work. The answers to the comprehension questions are provided.</p>
Art plan only - focusing on the work of Daniel MackieQuick View

Art plan only - focusing on the work of Daniel Mackie

<p>This is a 7-week unit of work for Art that focuses on the work of Daniel Mackie. It is primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for other year groups. This unit of work focuses on developing children’s pencil skills, such as cross hatching, hatching and shading. The children can experiment with watercolours, colouring pencils and applying different pressures with their pencil.<br /> The children in my class really enjoyed creating the outline of their chosen animal, drawing the animals habitat inside and then applying the colours to the final drawing.</p>
States of Matter Science plan onlyQuick View

States of Matter Science plan only

<p>States of Matter plan, should last approx. 10 weeks, covering all objectives on the NC as well as a range of working scientifically objectives The plan is fully differentiated for each lesson. Originally planned for Year 4 however could be adapted for other year groups. A variety of responds have also been suggested after each lesson.</p> <p>Week 1 - Concept cartoon - prior knowledge<br /> Week 2 - Vocabulary lesson<br /> Week 3 - To identify solids, liquids and gases.<br /> Week 4 - To investigate gases.<br /> Week 5 - To investigate materials as they change state - melting activity.<br /> Week 6 - To investigate how water changes state.<br /> Week 7 - To identify and describe the different stages of the water cycle.<br /> Week 8/9 - To recognise the process of evaporation (investigation).<br /> Week 10 - To reflect on my knowledge from a unit of work (revisit the concept cartoon).</p>
Science Electricity plan and resourcesQuick View

Science Electricity plan and resources

<p>The Electricity plan has 6 lessons, covering all objectives on the NC as well as a range of working scientifically objectives. The plan is fully differentiated for each lesson. Originally planned for Year 6 however could be adapted for other year groups. Also included are all relevant resources. A variety of responds have also been suggested after each lesson.</p> <p>Week 1 - Concept cartoon - prior knowledge and vocabulary lesson<br /> Week 2/3 - To observe and explain the effects of differing voltages in a circuit.<br /> Week 4 - To draw an accurate circuit diagram and research and explain why electrical components behave as they do<br /> Week 5/6 - To plan an investigation about how components function.</p> <p>The children in my class really enjoyed the practical lessons in this unit of work.</p>
Science Electricity planQuick View

Science Electricity plan

<p>The Electricity plan has 6 lessons, covering all objectives on the NC as well as a range of working scientifically objectives. The plan is fully differentiated for each lesson. Originally planned for Year 6 however could be adapted for other year groups. Also included are all relevant resources. A variety of responds have also been suggested after each lesson.</p> <p>Week 1 - Concept cartoon - prior knowledge and vocabulary lesson<br /> Week 2/3 - To observe and explain the effects of differing voltages in a circuit.<br /> Week 4 - To draw an accurate circuit diagram and research and explain why electrical components behave as they do<br /> Week 5/6 - To plan an investigation about how components function.</p> <p>The children in my class really enjoyed the practical lessons in this unit of work.</p>
Three Art PlansQuick View

Three Art Plans

3 Resources
<ul> <li> <p>1 art plan and resources that focuses on sketching and water colours</p> </li> <li> <p>1 sculpture art plan and resources that focuses on the work of Ray Lonsdale</p> </li> <li> <p>1 art plan that is inspired by Gaudi and his architecture.</p> </li> </ul>
Geography map skills plan and resourcesQuick View

Geography map skills plan and resources

<p>This plan consists of 9 lessons that focuses on maps skills of the local area. The children have opportunities to complete activities on the ‘50 things to do before 11’ list that the national trust have set up.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - To draw a detailed map of the local area and learn new vocabulary (assessment lesson)<br /> Lesson 2 - To identify what activities the children have completed on the ‘50 things to do before 11’ list<br /> Lesson 3 - To explore the local area and complete some of the activities on the ‘50 things to do’ list<br /> Lesson 4 - To research key information about the park using a range of sources<br /> Lesson 5 - To write a persuasive letter<br /> Lesson 6 - To identify key features of an ordnance survey map and understand how 6-figure grid references work on an ordnance survey map<br /> Lesson 7 - To use OS Maps and Google Maps to locate a route<br /> Lesson 8 - To draw a detailed sketch map using symbols and a key of local area (assessment lesson)<br /> Lesson 9 - To complete activities from the National Trust list</p> <p>The children really enjoyed this unit of worked and loved exploring their local area and working in small groups to plot a route on an OS map.</p>
Geography map skills planQuick View

Geography map skills plan

<p>This plan consists of 9 lessons that focuses on maps skills of the local area. The children have opportunities to complete activities on the ‘50 things to do before 11’ list that the national trust have set up.</p> <p>Lesson 1 - To draw a detailed map of the local area and learn new vocabulary (assessment lesson)<br /> Lesson 2 - To identify what activities the children have completed on the ‘50 things to do before 11’ list<br /> Lesson 3 - To explore the local area and complete some of the activities on the ‘50 things to do’ list<br /> Lesson 4 - To research key information about the park using a range of sources<br /> Lesson 5 - To write a persuasive letter<br /> Lesson 6 - To identify key features of an ordnance survey map and understand how 6-figure grid references work on an ordnance survey map<br /> Lesson 7 - To use OS Maps and Google Maps to locate a route<br /> Lesson 8 - To draw a detailed sketch map using symbols and a key of local area (assessment lesson)<br /> Lesson 9 - To complete activities from the National Trust list</p> <p>The children really enjoyed this unit of worked and loved exploring their local area and working in small groups to plot a route on an OS map.</p>
Art Sculpture plan and resourcesQuick View

Art Sculpture plan and resources

<p>This is an 8-week unit of work for Art that focuses on the work of Ray Lonsdale. It is primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for other year groups. This unit of work focuses on understanding that a sculpture can be created by the removal of material as well as adding material and combining wire sculpture and papier mache to create a more robust piece. The children can experiment with different materials to add detail to their sculpture.<br /> The children in my class really enjoyed creating their 3D sculptures that related to World War.</p>
Art Sculpture plan only - Ray LonsdaleQuick View

Art Sculpture plan only - Ray Lonsdale

<p>This is an 8-week unit of work for Art that focuses on the work of Ray Lonsdale. It is primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 but can be adapted for other year groups. This unit of work focuses on understanding that a sculpture can be created by the removal of material as well as adding material and combining wire sculpture and papier mache to create a more robust piece. The children can experiment with different materials to add detail to their sculpture.<br /> The children in my class really enjoyed creating their 3D sculptures that related to World War.</p>
Guided reading plan - The Mousehole CatQuick View

Guided reading plan - The Mousehole Cat

<p>This unit of work consists of 11 lessons. The children will have the opportunity to read the book and answer comprehension questions about the story. They will also have the opportunity to discover new vocabulary and learn the meaning for those words. The book has plenty of examples of figurative language (similes, metaphors and personification), which the children can then apply to their English work. The answers to the comprehension questions are provided.</p>
Battle of Britain History plan onlyQuick View

Battle of Britain History plan only

<p>Battle of Britain History plan - 4 lessons</p> <p>Lesson 1 - This is an assessment of what the children already know about WW1, WW2 and The Battle of Britain.<br /> Lesson 2 - Timeline of events leading up to the Battle of Britain.<br /> Lesson 3 - Write a biography about Reginald Mitchell. <br /> Lesson 4 - Design and create a ‘Spitfire’</p> <p>Within this plan, the children will have the opportunity to take part in practical activities as well as writing. The children really enjoyed this unit of work and learnt a lot about the Battle of Britain.</p>
Remembrance Day plan and resourcesQuick View

Remembrance Day plan and resources

<p>Remembrance Day plan - 2 lessons. The first lesson focuses on WW1 and the second lesson focuses on ration books. There are a mixture of practical activities that relate to the Art curriculum as well as written. The children really enjoyed this unit of work. Most resources are provided.</p>