AQA B Quote RevisionQuick View

AQA B Quote Revision

<p>A3 revision sheet, giving quotes and teachings which can be transferred across different units of work on the spec (Catholic Christianity, Judaism, Theme A and C). This is by no means an exclusive selection, but can be added to, to suit the needs of your KS4 classes.</p>
AQA Religious Studies B Connect 4Quick View

AQA Religious Studies B Connect 4

<p>Revision game, including counters. Players must respond correctly to questions/tasks before placing a counter on the board. First player to connect 4 wins!<br /> Includes content from Catholic Christianity, Judaism, Theme A and Theme C.</p>
AQA B Guess Who Revision GameQuick View

AQA B Guess Who Revision Game

<p>Like the Guess Who? board game, pupils have to ask questions about the life and works of figures who could make an appearance on their exam, until they guess the name of the person their opponent has selected.</p> <p>Addresses Catholic Christianity, Judaism, Theme A and Theme C.</p>
AQA Spec B - Theme C part 2Quick View

AQA Spec B - Theme C part 2

<p>Lessons suitable for online learning. Includes independent study lessons, which require students to use AQA B textbook.<br /> Lessons 7-13 on Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice.</p>
AQA Spec B - Theme C part 1Quick View

AQA Spec B - Theme C part 1

<p>Lessons suitable for online learning. Includes an independent study lesson, which requires students to use AQA B textbook.<br /> First six lessons on Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice.</p>