Edexcel GCSE History: Story of medicineQuick View

Edexcel GCSE History: Story of medicine

This booklet tells the story of two students, Dave and Colin. Dave explains the history of medicine to Colin in an accessible way. The booklet aims to break down the course and make it easily understandable. It covers both Medicine and the Western Front.
Edexcel Politics USA, arguments and work bookletQuick View

Edexcel Politics USA, arguments and work booklet

An essay booklet, with matching arguments to use in 30 mark essays, covering US Politics. US Constitution and federalism US Congress US Presidency US Supreme Court and civil rights US Democracy and participation
Edexcel Political Ideas booklet, core and nationalism.Quick View

Edexcel Political Ideas booklet, core and nationalism.

An essay booklet, with matching arguments to use in 24 mark essays, covering the core ideas of Socialism, Liberalism and Conservatism, as well as Nationalism. Each ideology has roughly 10 essay arguments for each ideology.
Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany Teacher Key KnowledgeQuick View

Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany Teacher Key Knowledge

A booklet to give teachers the key knowledge needed to teach Weimar and Nazi Germany for Edexcel 2016 specification. It goes through the specification, in order, giving key information that both students and teachers need to know.
Sample: Story of medicineQuick View

Sample: Story of medicine

Sample chapter: This booklet tells the story of two students, Dave and Colin. Dave explains the history of medicine to Colin in an accessible way. The booklet aims to break down the course and make it easily understandable.