Health and Social Care Classroom Display or booklets - 9 Careers / Job Roles
<p>Are you currently a Health and Social Care teacher?</p>
<p>Do you want to show your students what careers they can go into, in the future?</p>
<p>Here is a resource which you could print out as booklets, or even as large A3 sheets and put up as classroom displays.</p>
<p>The 9 job roles listed are:<br />
Paramedic, Diagnostic Radiographer, Adult nurse, Care home manager, Midwife, Children’s nurse, Nursing Associate, Mental health nurse, Dietician.</p>
<p>For each job role, you have an overview, responsibilities, and the qualifications needed. Salary section is blank, for you to add in (depending on if the pay scales have changed).</p>
<p>Each role with an attractive design, clearly laid out with a picture.</p>