Film Music Half Term PlanQuick View

Film Music Half Term Plan

<p>This is a half term plan for weekly musical activities with year 5/6.<br /> Could be delivered in any order.<br /> Has links to music needed.</p>
Pirate Short Stories- Book front covers/reading comprehensionQuick View

Pirate Short Stories- Book front covers/reading comprehension

<p>This differentiated reading activity encourages pupils to read a very short pirate story and design the front cover. They must show comprehension in their design based on what they have read.<br /> Their title choice will give the teacher a good indication of how much they have inferred and comprehended.<br /> They can also enter blurb on the back cover, add their own publishing emblem, bar code and make belief author.<br /> This is an ideal reading activity to revise what’s included on the front and back front cover. Great to use as an independent reading task during guided reading.</p>