Where the Wild Things are Year 1 planning 5 weeksQuick View

Where the Wild Things are Year 1 planning 5 weeks

<p>This planning gives you a whole unit for English using Where the Wild Things are Quality text<br /> The front cover also shows you the curriculum links to ensure coverage of the national curriculum</p> <p>Reading activities planned and suggested using related texts all listed on the planning.</p>
Interim Framework Reading Record Sheet and Tracking Sheets for Reading, Writing and Maths 2018Quick View

Interim Framework Reading Record Sheet and Tracking Sheets for Reading, Writing and Maths 2018

Interim frameworks blank grids for individual use or class use. <br /> <br /> I have created a tracking sheet for Maths. Writing and Reading (with all 2018 objectives on) to assess children at every opportunity using the ITAFs. These are stuck in the front of children's work books and assessed regularly.<br /> <br /> I have also created a reading record sheet for every child to start collecting evidence from now until the end of the academic year. They are easy to use and you just need to put a comment on their reading record.
Common Exception Word Policy and AssessmentQuick View

Common Exception Word Policy and Assessment

<p>This policy has been created to ensure common exception words are taught effectively from Reception to Year 2.<br /> Assessment grids are attached to this policy and these are monitored by the English Lead.</p>